Calling All Non-Moms Again!



  • Ooh, I want to join :P Literally just signed up yesterday so I'm getting used to how the whole thing works, have to say that it seems to be an amazing resource for people who want to lose weight - whether it's a few pounds or few hundred pounds!!

    My week challenge no.1 is to lose 1lb by next week, I'm gonna go the slow and steady route because quick fixes don't seem to have done me any good lol. Week challenge no.2 is to stick to what I bring in to work for lunch/snacking and avoid all the (yummy) crap that seems to appear out of nowhere (wrapped up in this challenge is the goal to only drink green tea in work too instead of the several cups to tea with 3 sugars that I've got into the habit of!)

    Roll on next week's weigh in and good luck to every other non-mom this weekwith your own goals or challenges!!
  • Okay my goals for December are to be down to 145 lbs and be able to run a 5K by the end of December.
  • I want to joim too!!!!! The only children I have are two furry ones and they are not the reason for my extra weight. I just love how supportive this site is
    for my december goal it is to loose 3lbs and start seeing my workout as something other than a chore (this one will be the hard part)
  • anewpath
    anewpath Posts: 200
    Well, the first day back in the gym was a good one!! I actually ran on the treadmill!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • My goal is to be down about 20 pounds by the new year. I am struggling mightily right now, so I am not sure how well this is going to work... but that is the current goal. :-)
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    ...and start seeing my workout as something other than a chore (this one will be the hard part)

    you'll get there! if you can get past the 2 week hump (that's about what it was for me) you'll notice a huge increase in energy, you'll find yourself in a better mood, and, it sounds hokey, but i swear your brain works better - i feel much more alert when i'm working out. when you get there, it will turn into an addiction! but a good one. good luck!
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I'd like to jump in on this.

    I'm a non-mom unless you count all my fuzzy babies and my big kid of a husband lol
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    So saturday was a right off, i ate like i've never seen food...sunday was just as bad because i didn't eat and worked my *kitten* isn't feeling awesome either...i missed breakfast, so i ate PB&J for snack I guess I'm down 1 goal is to burn 600 calories at least 3 times a tonight i doubt i'll do insanity, but i do have to wash my floors and vaccuum the upstairs...wonder if that will burn enough. Lets hope this sub-zero temperature and mass amount of snow won't cause my eating habits to crap the bed...i just want to curl up on the couch and each as much chocolate as i can...but alas, I won't, i don't have any chocolate:frown:
  • suits2010
    suits2010 Posts: 4 Member
    I think I qualify as a "non-mom". But I do have 11 grandkids.

    Anyway, I just joined over the weekend and haven't really gotten anything in place as far as groceries (hopefully that will be tonight) but in the meantime I am going to just watch what I eat and try to get lots of water in. More fruits and veggies. Less sweets and carbs. I think I can do this. I know this is probably a bad week to start this but I'm going to give it the old college try.

    I have a couple of goals for December - drink 80 ounces of water daily, walk 3 times per week, and watch what I eat trying to stay in my target calorie range.

    Good luck to all. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all.

  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member
    Question for Polar owners...I got a FT7 for my birthday and the battery is dead. I was looking forward to using it today at the gym but I need to get a battery. My question is, do y'all replace the battery yourself? I know its possible but the guide recommends taking it in to be replaced. I don't have a Polar shop or anything like that near by.

    One of the reasons I got an FT7 was because of a user-replaceable battery. As I recall from my manual, they recommend taking it in to be replaced by an official dealer so they can test for the water resistence after it's been sealed up. I guess the question is, how much do you think you'll be using it underwater? I doubt I'll ever swim with mine, so I'm not worried about the water resistence too much.
  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member
    Hello, hello to everyone again & welcome to the new people! It's Monday. Need I say more? Luckily, so far my lack of motivation to do work-related things did not hinder me from getting up and working out this morning. Did a full hour of cardio, which makes me pretty darn pleased. I think I'm getting to the point where working out is habit and I don't have to talk myself into it quite so much. At least, more so. No complacency allowed, though! Can't fall back on less healthy habits.

    The weekend was... well, the weekend. Had a date with the hubby on Friday night, and we did pretty well all things considered. Ordered one mojito, one appetizer, and one entree (with salad), which we then shared. Also one variety of sushi apiece, which we also shared. We ended up not eating the entree at all, but had them box it up for us to take home because we were full.

    Saturday was... well, I done pretty good. Had a progressive dinner, and I know I overdid it with the appetizer course. I worked really hard at staying away from the table as much as possible, though, and did really well during the other two courses. Also, worked out for an hour that morning in anticipation.

    Sunday? Ha! Well, Monday is a new day. ;-)

    Anyhow, below is an updated list of people who have chimed in on our group, along with goals received. For the new people, we're gathering up December goals from everyone, and then we'll check in on a weekly basis on those, to see how we're all coming along.

    If I don't get a goal from you by the end of the day on November 29, I'll figure that you're not participating in this particular activity, and will remove you from the list. That doesn't mean you're not in the Non-Mom group, just that you're not involved in the December goals. Make sense? As before, if you've posted but are not on the list (or if you've posted a goal and it's not listed below), just chime in again or send me a personal message.


  • Question for Polar owners...I got a FT7 for my birthday and the battery is dead. I was looking forward to using it today at the gym but I need to get a battery. My question is, do y'all replace the battery yourself? I know its possible but the guide recommends taking it in to be replaced. I don't have a Polar shop or anything like that near by.

    One of the reasons I got an FT7 was because of a user-replaceable battery. As I recall from my manual, they recommend taking it in to be replaced by an official dealer so they can test for the water resistence after it's been sealed up. I guess the question is, how much do you think you'll be using it underwater? I doubt I'll ever swim with mine, so I'm not worried about the water resistence too much.

    Could sweat be an issue though? I honestly don't know the answer to this question, but it seems like it possibly could?
  • Thanks for keeping a log of everyones December challenges. I think its great!
  • anewpath
    anewpath Posts: 200
    December Goal!!!! My goal for the coming month is to get into a comfortable routine, changing bad habits, and drinking more water daily. I want to do this because I want to start shopping for a wedding dress after the new year. They can only alter dresses 2 sizes up or down. I need to feel confident about being on the right road to getting healthy before I make such a bid decision.
  • I am trying to figure out how to join this group but I can't find it. Is it a Blog and if so what is the name of the blog?
  • I just bought a heart rate monitor and Zumba Fitness for Wii. I am so excited!!!! :bigsmile: Hopefully my Polar FT7 doesn't have any issues like the previous poster when it arrives (bought it on Amazon).
  • December goal is to be below the 150's into the 140's and STAY THERE =)
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I don't think God is waiting for you to be ready to be a parent. He is creating the perfect child just for you!!! Good things come to those who wait!

    Awww, that's sweet. Thank you.

    So a very bad food weekend because my grandmother thinks all meals should have second helpings and dessert. I got away with seconds by going for veggies, but I couldn't turn down apple pie. And then in order to keep myself awake on the 6 hour drive, I got some junk food. Hopefully, with an entire week off from work, I can get back on track because I hit 131.6 on Saturday which is SO close to my goal. Still have to read the rest to catch up with everyone. I hope you're having a good Monday.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I am trying to figure out how to join this group but I can't find it. Is it a Blog and if so what is the name of the blog?

    You don't have to do anything, just keep replying to these posts. You'll find the thread in "my topics" under the "message boards" which is also under the "community" tab. Not that that made any sense.

    Anyhoo, welcome n00bs. I am really tired today! We didn't get much sleep last night because my husband had only been awake for a few hours and he couldn't get to sleep, which apparently involves keeping me awake too. Part of the reason I'm tired is that I made a quick decision (so very unlike me!) to start c25k this week. I used to jog and I loved it, but I was always overweight due to eating all kinds of junk and baking too much. Well, I have been looking at c25k for over a month now, and thinking "I should do that." My first excuse was the Jillian slimdown, which is boring me so much right now I can't seem to bring myself to play the DVD more than thrice a week. It's not that it's too easy. It's just that it's the same. crap. I've. been. doing. since. October. 1st. and it's getting tedious. My second excuse was winter. I, like a child, still get croup and it's not cool. It hurts my chest and ribs like fire and razorblades and I lose my voice. I can't ever just get a cold. The neighbors call the cops because someone's dog is barking all night. That dog is me.

    Well, I've been looking at it and the musical accompaniments and really itching for some novelty, so last night, I looked at my husband and said "I am going to start c25k tomorrow. I didn't even think about it. I'm not quite sure what happened to me, but I got up and did it this morning even though I was exhausted, and I felt so good after day 1 that I didn't even need caffeine. I had some anyway. I vaguely remember, last night, saying something about running a half marathon at some point next year. I'm not even sure if that will be possible for me, and I think I've gone temporarily insane! Anyway, the high has worn off and I'm physically and mentally exhausted and I sense some serious saddlebag soreness tomorrow, so I'll be taking a rest day, which is, again, very unlike me.

    All that being said (babbled) I'd like to change my goals to Jillian 3 days a week, c25k 3 days a week, and the weight loss/maintenance should stay the same. Sorry and thanks!

    P.S. I forgot how good I feel, all day long, after a jog. Even my husband noticed. He kept saying I look so pretty and happy, and I felt pretty for, like, the third time this year. Today was a win, exhausted or not!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    that's awesome...a success in itself...congrats:) and welcome to all the newbies...we're quite the bunch but we enjoy this thread lol
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