
xoCatherine Posts: 2
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hey, I'm new to this, I joined last night. And I kinda need some help.

For a while, I've set a goal to be a certain weight by Thursday. Thanksgiving. Tomorrow. And I was doing good, I was exactly a pound off. But I gained 1.2 pounds, so now I'm 2 pounds and 2 ounces off where I want to be.

My food diary thing says I should be eating 1,200 calories A DAY. That's so much, I don't think I've ever eaten that much. But here's my question -

Would I lose more if I ate nothing today, or ate the full 1,200 calories, along with 8 glasses of water (it recommends that too).

So which would help me lose 2.2 pounds fast? I mean, I don't have to lose the complete amount today (although that's be so wonderful!) because I also have some time tomorrow. But (I'm rambling, aren't I) please please PLEASE someone, at least one person, reply to this. I'm so confused and upset!



  • natsjh
    natsjh Posts: 14
    Hi - There is a really good post / blog I read on here about someone only eating 700 - 800 calories a day (although I cant remember the title) and they couldnt loose any weight because they were starving themselves as the body is storing any food it gets as in starvation mode. Apparently 1200 is the minimum you should be eating - think of your body like a car - your car won't run on empty and niether will your body which is why you have to eat at least that amount - hard to get your head around i know, but its seriously does work - I didn't loose for the first couple of weeks as I wasn't eating enough but now I'm sticking to 1200 - 1300 a day and its actually coming off really fast - 7lbs in 3 weeks!!
    I really don't think not eating all day today is going to help for tomorrow..... perhaps you should think about a slightly longer term goal - more than a day ;-)
    Good luck anyway!
  • lfondots
    lfondots Posts: 216 Member
    Long term goals are better. You should only be loosing about 1-2 lbs per week tops. Also I have found that my body fluctuates probably because of water weight. You should eat all your calories. Also remember that your body is adjusting to the new diet. Drink lots of water and try to stay away from sodium. Processed foods have tons in them. Good luck!!!
  • @ natsjh - Yeah, I know, one day isn't too smart(; But I've had this goal since summer, that I wanted to be a certain weight by Thanksgiving. And I was getting there - then I gained some. But yeah, I know, one or two days is very hard.
    Thank you, though!
    @ lfondots - This has been a long term goal for me. And I was succeeding too. But I gained some and I want to lose it. Thank you for the water tip!

    And for both of you, I'll try and eat 1,200. Thanks!(:
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