emma44ny Member


  • I totally agree- I am just not meant to be 130lbs. I would love to be 150- I'm about 30lbs from that and I don't think it's gonna come easy...
  • For what it's worth... I have never been a runner in my whole life. I started running last year to lose weight and am presently in the process of running 5 half marathons in 5 consecutive months (1st was last Sunday- only 4 more to go!) I do not love running. I am not a "natural" and I am not fast. I too could not go for…
  • I started eating these when my son was little and I bought them to give to him. Not only did he love them but I LOVE THEM! I have this weird thing that i kind of think they taste like stove top stuffing- which I also love... Anyway there are definitely bad ones out there but not the good doctor's!!
  • Ugh! First green smoothie and NO success!! I have a cuisinart blender and I just halved the Dr. Oz green drink recipe and it was a swampy green sludgy mess! It actually didn't taste bad at all but the consistency was hideous. I used a handful of spinach, an apple, half a cuke, ginger, parsley, lemon/ lime juice. Blech-…
  • I used to run in Asics gel Kayanos but then I found out they weren't the right shoes for my feet. ( They're more for over pronators ) and now I run in Asics Cumulus which I really like. they'll the sales ppl) give you tons of tips to pick the right pair for you. I've run in Brooks, Mizunos, and Nike while the brooks and…
  • Sometimes smaller races aren't listed on larger sites like Active etc... (Sometimes medium to larger races aren't either for that matter), so I thought I would just ask the masses in case there was anything off the radar out there. Also, if you're looking over the whole Northeast as opposed to just one state those searches…
  • I haven't checked that site but I will. I am really looking for anything in the NORTHEAST. Not limited to NY so driving for 7 hrs is no biggie. NY, VT, MA, NH, ME, NJ any thing around that general area :tongue:
  • See, I would say no... most of it is from fruit not processed carby carbs! Your sodium, while not in the red, is a little high... that would concern me more than the sugar...
  • BUMP!! Needing this info tooo!!!:blushing:
  • Feel free to friend me. i want to lose 20 more lbs (I've lost over 70 so far- yikes!) I LOVE good beer (IPAs, stouts, you name it) I love fishing but am a total girl about it, and I am an embarrassingly proud mother of a fantastic two year old boy. I think we'll get along just fine :smile: :drinker:
  • Vodka is the cleanest liquor... I love it with club soda and sometimes a little splash of really tart grapefruit juice. But truthfully I usually just make sure I have a super kick butt workout and then drink whatever I want. I love really strong and flavorful beers which normally come with a hefty caloric price tag... But…
  • I was using a plan I found on runner's world's website. I run Tues/ Thurs/ Sat/ Sun. Long runs on Sundays (I did my long run today because I got a little off track with the holiday weekend- 8 miles). I am trying to get in some cross training on my days off but I work a lot and have a young son so my time so my time is…
  • Trust me, from a girl who has had out of control huge boobs, you are WAY better off without them! I lost a lot of them with my weight loss but they are still bigger than I would prefer. They screwed up my golf swing for years!! Also, I (personally) think that women's bodies look more attractive athletic and svelte and not…
  • You are going to lose them. In fact, more than likely it will be the first place you lose weight from! Women usually gain weight from the bottom up and lose it from the top down, so say see ya later to the girls, and tell your hubs that you're super sorry but you're about to get super fit and hot and he just will have to…
  • See I can completely see where it STARTS as a plateau.. Then you give up on exercise for a few days... Then the weekend rolls around and you eat some pizza and drink a few (being polite) beers and bam! Next thing you know you're fully off the rails! I go through this every so often and actually having been feeling this way…
  • What you've stated is how I would LIKE to eat... Natural occuring sugars should be ok, however a lot of trainers will recomend against them. Currently, I have a friend working with a trainer that has had her eliminate ALL sugars. Fruit and everything else, naturally occurring or not. I am currently experimenting with the…
  • [/quote]I actually completely agree. Through personal experiences when it comes to "weight loss" its a free for all on comments. And unless you've struggled with weight you cant REALLY know how it affects someone. But I actually take the fact that people are noticing as a compliment, I mean sure it wasn't said the BEST way…
  • OMG I never post stuff and now I remember why... My point to this post was just to say that complements can be given without being obnoxious or hurtful. Additionally, I just want to say that when people are over weight they probably don't really need it pointed out for them. Chances are they are aware they are over weight…
  • And I got this one last Saturday...
  • Yeah see, I'm not buying that... I have put my foot in my mouth on more than one occasion but never have I thought that telling someone that they were getting "really big" was productive (or kind) conversation. People that don't realize that this is hurtful or offensive should not be let out of their homes. Certainly…
  • All were said to me in the last, say, 3 months. The padlock comment just as recently as last Friday. Ridiculous, right??
  • Down 4lbs since Monday... Lets see what the weekend brings!
  • That is pretty much what this book states too.. Ok at least I'm not totally crazy!
  • I think blueberries and raspberries and blackberries are ok? I've been eating them sooo.. oh well... Trust me it won't be long without fruit for me because I really like fresh fruit and am not about to give it up forever. It's mostly like sugars in things you dont think about... Bread, dairy, cereals.. Etc
  • Low sugar. Very low sugar and low carb but not like Atkins low carb. The sugar thing is a very interesting thing because if nothing else I have realized how much unnecessary sugar I have been consuming! It's from a book by Jorge Cruise called the belly fat cure. Again, a little crash-diet-ish but not totally off the wall...
  • I need to get back in the game. I got a chest cold over the 4th weekend and haven't run since. I need to shake it and move forward. Given that it's Tuesday and I know I won't be able to work out tomorrow I am going to realistically shoot for 2000 cals burned. I know it's not much but I think it's all I've got this week!
  • This is not a pill or potion or bulimia 101...it's just about sugar and carbs... Anyway, thanks for the link but I have lost over 60 lbs the "hard way"... Just looking at options...
  • Don't misunderstand, having just lost over 60 lbs I am not looking for a quick fix, I understand what it takes to get to a healthy weight/ size. I just have a very flabby stomach and would like ditch the belly at some point in my life... Anyway, proceed :)
  • Don't you just feel so accomplished! Great job! Now time to find your next one! :happy:
  • Wedneday 496 1190 to go :tongue: