

  • Thanks for all of your suggestions, they sound really yummy! I will certainly give some of them a go - much appreciate! x
  • This, I totally agree. There's a large lady at my gym (staff member, not entirely sure if she's actually a trainer) who has done a couple of my classes (spin, abs/conditioning) and I must admit that I didn't find it very motivating. Now this is also partly to do with her teaching style, but also because (unlike the other…
  • Bumping for later! Has anyone else made and tried this yet?
  • I knew I shouldn't have opened this topic... I was already craving. Damn you and your delicious looking pictures! :sad:
  • I've actually only seen the second episode (Thurs 15th), so I can't comment on the first one. However, I hated the presenter.. But anyway. It became one of those programs that I hated watching and yet wanted to see where it was going. Although kind of interesting, the biggest factor of weight loss etc just kept being…
  • Currently obsessing over scrambled eggs and slices of smoked salmon. YUM. :love:
  • I believe you can ask for fish without the batter - so you're just getting the meat. Maybe pack up your own sides too if you're concerned aboyt the chips - a big salad or some sliced veggies with hummous? Personally I'd go mental if I could never have fish and chips. I'm not too sure about having it every week mind, but if…
  • My current gym doesn't offer this (or any yoga/pilates for that matter) but I did it at my previous gym and loved it. Never done a full on strict yoga class, but I certainly felt the benefits in this class and we really worked our backs and abs. I used to do it after an hour class or workout, so I'd be in the gym for two…
  • I second k9education - I currently have Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard in rich chocolate flavour - I only have it with water and it tastes fine, the consistancy is also very good!
  • I'd also like to get in on this, I'm from the UK and get very bored very quickly with clean eating. I'm not full on strict clean eating, but any meal ideas would be great as I'm not creative in the kitchen (I pretty much hate cooking!). sdreed25 - definitely going to follow you for food ideas! :)
  • I really want to try StrongLifts - is this something you can just do on your own at the gym or is it better to have someone there with you? I currently do Body Pump and I love it (I hate cardio), but I really think I need to go on to heavier lifting now!
  • Thank you for the input! I have done 30DS before and liked that, so I might get Ripped In 30 to change things up. My calories are similar to you too. Do you drink protein shakes or try to get it from actual food?
  • Yep! I physically don't have the time to go this evening as I'm going to a gig, and have to drive there first as soon as I'm home from work and changed. I can feel a twitch in my eye already....
  • And I thought I'd hijacked the thread. Winner.
  • Apologies in advance for hijacking this thread a bit, but my question is pretty similar and it saves a new thread being made. :flowerforyou: I often have around 250 cals left, and I also don't hit my protein goal like, ever.. I'm not hungry - I drink around 8 glasses of water per day, maybe more if doing a workout. So…
  • Yep, either enjoy yourself and have a night with your friends without counting the calories. Exercise to make it up if you prefer. Otherwise, I'd go for a steak with a side salad, no dressing. Simple! x
  • khall86790 - Thank you! I absolutely hate cardio if I'm honest :laugh: I would love to do pilates - I did it for a while at my old gym, but the new one doesn't have any pilates/yoga type classes. I really miss that type of workout. I'll check out that link though and see if I can do it in my living room! Thanks!
  • mkkhoza thank you for your input - I get the feeling it's what I'm going to need to do to seriously change my shape. I'll get some research in and hopefully give it a go!
  • Body Pump is a Les Mills class - one hour of weights in a group class format :)
  • Thanks everyone! Do we think I'll be better doing free weights then rather than just keep increasing my weight at Body Pump class? I've had a quick look into StrongLifts today so need to do a bit more research first.
  • Anyone? :( x
  • Agree with the other posters - eat when you are hungry! I get up around 7.30am but don't eat until around 10-10.30am. If I force myself to eat before then I actually find myself hungrier for the rest of the day! Probably more of a mind thing but eating around 10am suits me fine until lunch around 1pm. Breakfast is…
  • I bought some ages ago while they were on offer (absolutely no way I'd pay the full price) and wore them a few times. What I can say, is that they do make you sweat a hell of a lot more. So in that respect, they do what they say they will do. However. I don't find them that comfortable to wear - I think they're restrictive…
  • I posted the same question a while ago, hope this helps! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/917816-yoga-at-home :smile:
  • 23 years old SW: 129lbs CW: 126lbs GW: 119lbs Have been 129lbs for a few years now and I'm tired of always feeling uncomfortable and untoned. I trained as a ballet dancer until I was 17, so the weight I've put on since then makes me feel horrible. It's going to be slow but I'm looking forward to feeling more like.. me :)
  • I would either have what I want, and eat really well for the rest of the day so I can fit it in, or go for a steak. Sauce on the side, and get it with their seasoned veggies and swap the fries for a salad. :) Enjoy!
  • I particularly like this answer :drinker:
  • Thanks everyone - I thought nuts would be a good place to start but you've given me some other ideas ^.^ I don't necessarily need filling up as such - just that I don't want to miss 500 calories and then be no where near my goal.. Thus making this last bit of weight even harder to shift! I hope this makes sense. Please no…
  • Aah I've just reset my cals as I'm on my stubborn last 10lbs, so have recalculated to do TDEE - 10% instead of 20%. This really scares me! My mind is still going, "eat less! Eat less!" But we'll see... :laugh:
  • Another one I can't seem to get in the UK! Blimey, who knew it was so difficult to just buy a DVD :mad: