I will do that!
So do I. I am a huge blues fan too.
I haven't hear of them before but know some who are really into them.
I need the eagles and texans to win so i can win some money. I am a chargers fan though. GO BOLTS!
My mom has always told me (i am a single guy fyi) that my place doesn't need to be immaculate but I need to have a clean bathroom and picked up living room when having a woman over, "No woman wants to come over to your place and use a nasty restroom. Clean the toilet, put the seat down, and make sure you have a air…
i love me some curvy women! just my own personal thought.
San Diego is 11/21 and L.A. 11/23
awesome! or is it "wicked" awesome?
Anyone seeing them this summer? I am going to San Diego and Night 1 of L.A.
make out!
buy her a drink!
B.O.-I don't just mean a slight odor because you are working out and sweating, I mean the kind that makes you smell like you haven't bathed in about a week. No way is that smell just because you are working out. You are clearly not bathing on a regular basis. Cologne/Perfume-Why are you bothering with this nonsense? Again…
Yes as your flex.
I have pick ten this year in a ten team league. I am going RB,RB, RB, QB. In most mocks I have done it looks like Alfried Morris, Chris Johnson, David Wilson, and Kaepernick.
that has to be an act though right? like you said, its laid on so thick.
best thread ever.
GM is quite possibly the most annoying BB player EVER. I cannot STAND that woman.
Maybe I shouldn't be commenting in here as I don't have boobs, but in all honesty I am a firm believer in any unnecessary surgery is one that you simply should not risk getting done. I know they are common these days but I think people often forget that you are required to sign releases for a reason and if it is not…
hoping they get Spencer out soon, like really soon. he is completely worthless in that house.
If this is the worst of your worries consider yourself lucky. First world problems for sure.
I tend to think that if you are truly getting that upset about what someone thinks about you solely from an internet message board, someone you more than likely have never met and possibly will never meet than you maybe do not have as thick skin as you think you have. I do not put a lot of stock in anyones' comments on…
bang and date.
can't wait to see them.
The Postal Service, I got tickets to a show in southern california today and can't wait to see them live! Earlier in the week is was the Jack White solo album and The Raconteurs.
isn't it "you're" anyway?
extremely hot!