

  • No, It isn't. Protein-rich foods are considered the best to promote weight-loss. This is because the body has to expend more calories to digest protein than it does carbs. It takes 25 calories to expend 100g of protein, as opposed to 5 calories to expend the same amount of carbs. I actually have an issue with carbs,…
    in Protein Comment by hhamilton March 2010
  • I have a similar problem. I asked the trainer at my health club this question, since I have been running more than ever and I cannot lose any weight. He suggested I consume 1500 calories per day. When I increase my running schedule, I need to increase my calorie intake as well I would believe a nutirionist before this…
  • Hi Holly, I have taken Cipro before - many times, actually, over the past several years. I have trained, and been in 2 half marathons -even while taking it, and I have never had any problems. I do yoga frequently, though, as a compliment to my running. I would recomend you do some gentle stretching after your workout, so…
  • Wow, 6 kids!! I have two and can barely keep up! I am new here also, and mainly joined to keep a food journal. I have found that in just keeping track of what I eat has made me more mindful of staying away from the junk food. This is a great site for encouragement and information. You'll find alot of helpful topics and the…
  • I love the Biggest Loser, and this was a great season. Although Rebecca lost alot of weight, I thought she looked terrible. The blonde hair just doesn't look good on her. This show proves that hard work, and dedication does help you lose weight. Can't wait for the next season to start!!
  • On the soda, if you cut it out completely, you'll lost a few pounds for sure. I cut that out a year ago, and lost 6 pounds immediately! Now, I can't even drink soda, doesn't sound good to me at all. I do drink coffee and tea, so that gives me the caffine I need. I can't seem to lose anymore weight though,,,,I think I'm at…
  • I have the Wii Fit Plus, and I love it!!! It replaces the old Wii Fit disk, as it has the same exercises, plus new ones. It keeps track of calories burned, which is nice. My favorite game is the obstacle course....very challenging!