morgan_pope Member


  • I've owned a FitBit for a couple of years now. I started with the Zip, then upgraded to the One and just got the Charge. The Zip was nice, if you just want to track steps....and very discrete. I upgraded to the One because I wanted a more comprehensive view of my fitness (stairs, sleep). I used the One fairly consistently…
  • Feel free to add me! :flowerforyou: I am on here every day.
  • I started making little swaps: 2% milk instead of whole milk (down to 1% now!), skip the cheese, light dressing instead of regular.....things like that. And then I joined MFP. :happy:
  • Whatever I can scrounge up. Hopefully and cereal or granola bar - just enough to hold me off until dinner.
  • Add me to the list. I am getting back on track and looking for friends to encourage...and to motivate me! :happy:
  • Friend request sent! :smile:
  • Hi all! Please feel free to add me. I am too returning to MFP. I log everything, everyday and would love to have some friends to motivate me....and friends to motivate/support!
  • Thank you! I will do a little more research (mostly to get the best deal), but this sounds like what I am looking for.
  • To the original question: I would recommend reducing the cardio and lifting heavier. Lower the reps per set and increase the weight. You might also trying increase the protein in your diet to promote muscle growth. Also, some people have a harder time building muscles - I can see your progress and you are doing great! To…
  • I agree. Try fiddling with your calories a bit. You don't want to go too low and, depending on your workout, you may actually need to increase your calories to avoid starvation-mode. With me, 100 calories made the difference between plateauing and suddenly losing weight again. I generally shoot to eat around 1500 calories…
  • Always looking for new buddies on MFP!!! I've been on here a little while and love it. I definitely do better weight-loss-wise when using the app. Feel free to add me. Welcome all!!!
  • Same here. I only count water - pure water. Everything else (aka: coffee, tea, diet soda) are recorded in my diary. "Everything else" has something in it - sweetener, creamer, sodium, etc. - which can add up to affect my weight loss. I got away from using the flavor packets in my water a few years ago, so I am on the fence…
  • Thank you all for the recipes! I've been searching around for good crock pot recipes!!!!
  • I didn't make it to 9lbs, but I made it though the Holiday Season and I still managed to loose some weight so I am calling a NSV for this....... Week 1, Nov 27th: 181.7lbs (week: 0, total: 0) Week 2, Dec 2nd: 179.4lbs (week: -2.3, total: 2.3) Week 3, Dec 9th: 179.6lbs (week: +0.2, total: 2.1) Week 4, Dec 16th: 178.8lbs…
  • Feel free to add me. Like Michelle_J, I was MIA for a year (rough year), but I've been back for 60 days and down 16lbs! I've got another ~50lbs to go, so I am in it for the long haul.
  • So....last Sunday was a cheat day and I kinda went a little overboard :blushing: . Surprisingly, I got the 2lbs I gained off plus another 0.8 so I am happy overall. Tomorrow is the Dept Christmas Potluck...going to try to be good. Week 1, Nov 27th: 181.7lbs (week: 0, total: 0) Week 2, Dec 2nd: 179.4lbs (week: -2.3, total:…
  • A little late, but here are my numbers for the week...... Week 1, Nov 27th: 181.7lbs (week: 0, total: 0) Week 2, Dec 2nd: 179.4lbs (week: 2.3, total: 2.3) Week 3, Dec 10th: 179.6lbs (week: +0.2, total: 2.1 Week 4, Dec 17th: Week 5, Dec 24th: Final, Dec 31st: Up a little bit this week, but not too bad considering the week…
  • I try to get about 7 hours during the week and 9 on the weekend.....I'd sleep 10-11, if I could, but my alarm wakes me up!!! Sleep (or the lack there of) does affect weight gain/loss to a certain degree. I had to hunt around to find an article with the details (can't find where I read it, but I found a helpful link). The…
  • Awesome job, everyone! Looking great!!!!! Here are my numbers for the week...... Week 1, Nov 27th: 181.7lbs (week: 0, total: 0) Week 2, Dec 2nd: 179.4lbs (week: 2.3, total: 2.3) Week 3, Dec 10th: Week 4, Dec 17th: Week 5, Dec 24th: Final, Dec 31st: Good luck for the coming week!! :drinker:
  • I have the Fitbit Zip and it is pretty accurate when clipped to your bra so long as you move your torso (i.e. swing your arms) when you walk. I noticed that sometimes when I was walking slowly, I didn't swing my arms as much so my count was a little lower (thinking that the Zip didn't realize I was walking b/c it wasn't…
  • Here's mine!! Week 1, Nov 27th: 181.7lbs (week: 0, total: 0) Week 2, Dec 3rd: Week 3, Dec 10th: Week 4, Dec 17th: Week 5, Dec 24th: Final, Dec 31st: Good luck everyone!!! We can do this!
  • This is an awesome idea! Count me in as well.
  • From all that I have read/experienced, Wk1 is a great weigh-in....Wk2 almost always sucks. Part of the Wk1 weigh-in is water weight (:sad: ) and on Wk2 your body says "what the h**l? I thought last week was a 1-off! :noway: ". Just keep at it and push through to Wk3 and Wk4 and you will see better weigh-ins. Drinking water…
  • Congratulations!!!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • I am a liquor drinker myself, so my mixed drinks (with diet) run me ~70 cal per drink. I would recommend either budgeting your drinks out in advance or try ordering water with your beer. I find the water option works well - I drink the water and nurse the drink (sorta)....its about a 2:1 (drink: water) ratio I think. But,…
  • Please add me!!!
  • Feel free to add me too! I am on here everyday!
  • Way to go! You look great!
  • Hi! I'm 5'3" and I have the same problem about my weight. Its seems like 5lbs causes all of my clothes to stop fitting correctly. Its very frustrating. :grumble: I started watching what I ate a couple of weeks ago to try to minimize the damage of the holidays (that kinda worked), but I officially start today and I am…