The problem with this topic is it isn't just what we say, it more like when we say it. We can say one thing one day and you laugh and the same thing another day and its WWIII. Guys are easy, attack our masculinity and we get pissed. No matter when you say it. Its a lose lose situation for us guys.....
Heads up......we really don't care
kick her to the curb and break up
Always beer hot sauce BBQ sauce Most times eggs milk half and half
Not even 1 picture sent to make be blush. See what I mean, completely brushed off!!!!!!
Christmas birthdays do by their proximity to the biggest holiday of the year kinda get blushed off. But like I said earlier, everyone is around so that is always special.
No one else with a holiday birthday?
I applaud his character and integrity to freely answer the question without the fear or worry of losing his job. What job is worth that sacrifice?
Majority does rule by ratings in the case of media and voting in the case of government. Muting personal preferences because of fear is pushing our society back thousands of years.
BS. Nothing that he said was out of line. Hate/prejudice? Sounded more like preference. And the preference of the majority of the human race.
guys get a room
Change can and will only occur when pain and then fear of pain is greater than the pain and then fear of pain of not changing. This goes for all change. Booze Drugs Cheating Health Lifestyles etc etc IMHO
cruel but funny as hell
big difference there. One of them has their salary based on tips and the other one doesn't. Its not a matter of who works harder or is more deserving. Most garbageman get paid well with benefits and most waiters barely make an hourly wage.
I looked up pansexual as well but then again I had to look up twirking as well last week.
I'm glad that for the most part I've never done most of the things already mentioned more than once or twice that I can remember
a rubber band making bracelet kit
What's the weather like today where you are? 42 and raining here in Houston Favorite item of clothing that fits you currently? boots Favorite color(s)?blue green Your current favorite snack? takis ( I mean roasted smoked almonds) Describe the best or coolest pet you have ever had (current or in the past)? squirrel (current)
cheap, very cheap
who and who? Don't know of either one
yawl are all weird. cool but weird as ..........
PINK yes, Britney not a chance
black lab. Im a lab guy, third one
^ is wearing underwear