

  • I just joined too. I will help anyway I can. I am just learning and a lot of this is really new to me. I struggle with not eating enough...killed my metabolism. Never thought I was doing anything wrong because I never felt hungry, but I wasn't losing either. It's very much a mental for thing for me right now. Best of luck!!
  • Agh, this made me laugh! I have always been a firm believer that if you have it, flaunt it...BUT in a tasteful way. I think some take it to an extreme...saw some of those at the pool the other day :)
  • Thanks everyone! Instead of my usual banana for breakfast I actually made eggs and a couple red potatoes. SO good! Heading to the gym now. I think I still have it in my head that I need to work off what I just ate. This is going to be a big mental struggle for me. Thanks for being there and helping me understand this more.…
  • NIce to hear a guys side! Wish my husband thought like that! Keep up the great work on your weight loss!
  • I know exactly what you are going through, hence one of the reasons why I joined MFP last night. My husband has lost about 51 pounds in the last 4-5 months. He does mostly raw foods. He looks amazing and I try to compliment him as much as I can. I on the other hand have lost 18 pounds and not one thing has been said to me.…
  • Thanks everyone. I think I am going to go buy the 30DS. I work out 3 - 4 times a week, but I am sure this will kick my butt. It is ok though, I need to get out of this up and down lose weight, gain weight roller coaster I have been on the last 3 weeks or so. Good luck on your journeys as well!!