

  • Thank you all for your responses (I loved this: And that is that no one but you and your doctor sees the scale!), maybe I am overdoing it a bit with the diet too - I'll ease off. I was just so excited to see the numbers tumble I've lost sight of my real goal, which is to be stronger and look better... I definitely couldn't…
  • Hi, Thanks for the suggestions. I find cardio difficult except for the swimming, as even the rowing machine quickly tires out my leg and seems unbalanced... The program I am (sort of!) following at the moment contains all the excercies you mentioned, so I guess I am doing the right thing already. Just need to keep at it!…
  • Hi. Thanks for the reply! Unfortunately I do not use a prosthesis at the moment - thats part of the reason for the operation (fingers crossed!)! Also, the gym I have joined has no pool, although I do go once a week separately with my kids...
  • Spot on, and congratulations on the liberal use of emoticons!!! Definitely worth keeping these rules in mind...
  • Don't know if this post is still active, but I am, and I don't know where to start! Let me know if you've found anything useful! Cheers, Tazz