

  • I find that MFP consistently registers less than the elliptical machines. I use the machine that allow input for weight and age. I go at a pretty aggressive pace. This morning I did 60 minutes and MFP indicated 757 while the machine registered 948. I vary what machines I use and the results are similar. The end all is I…
  • No, you are not doing anything wrong. The strength training excercises, by default, do not assign calories burned. This is due to the fact that people do weight training at very different levels and at very different paces so it is hard to determie a standard calorie burn for each excercise. If you want a rough "very…
  • Sail to Hawaii and never come back.
  • You might want to make your cardio sessions longer. In 15 minutes you are just getting warmed up. Cardio only burns caloroes while you are actively doing it. Agree with Juberry, you should add weight training as weight training continues to burn calories for some time after you are done. Muscle tissue actually burns…
  • You need to go work out for an hour at a minimum if you want to see some real results. It takes some time to build up your endurance but the results will come. Believe me, I started out at 265 lbs and cracked 180 two weeks ago. It has taken many (7) years.
  • I use the Precor incline elliptical on the "Inertval" setting with the resistance level set at 8 during the flat period and 10 during the Hill portion. During the flat portion I strive to do 180-190 strides per minute and during the hill portion over 200 strides per minute. This morning in 55 minutes I burned 968 calories.…
  • There were two things that got me started working out seven years ago. The first was the fact that my Dr. told me that I would probably die and never see my three daughters get married. My cholesterol was one of the highest he had ever seen as was my blood pressure. I had also made two trips to the ER with chest pains. The…
  • Go to the cardio section and search "strength training (weight lifting). It gives you the option to input the amount of time and estimates a calorie burn. it is not perfect but if gives you something. I was concerned about this as well but as the website explains people lift weights at very different paces and it is tough…
  • I have been in the same boat for years. Working in a job that I don't like just because it paid well and I had a knack for it. As I tell my college age kids, if you can find a job or career that you would do for free because you love it, that's the job to take as you will learn to get by financially and will be much…