

  • Yesterday I did Level 2 of 30DS for the first time since last May. I forgot how hard it is! Nearly killed me, but I did it! No DOMS (yet) today. Fingers crossed. And is it just me, or are those walking pressups at the start of Level 2 actually easier than the continual pressups from Level 1?!
  • Thanks everyone. The consensus seems to be that being colder does burn some calories, but not a huge amount. Here's what I'm going to do: * Put my woolly hat back on. * If I get cold enough to shiver or feel uncomfortable, I'll put a fleece on. * If I'm still cold after that, I'll put the heating on. I don't want to make…
  • Also, cooking great-tasting, nutritious food does not have to take a long time or be expensive. Check out "Jamie's 15 Minute Meals". You'd be amazed how easy it is.
  • Do you watch TV? Do you go to bars? If you answered yes to either of those questions then you have time to exercise. It's just a question of priorities. Jillian Michaels "30 Day Shred" DVD requires 25 mins per day and is done at home. It's awesome. On the plus side, you'll feel more energised and motivated, so you'll…
  • Hi Demi! Good luck with it, it's a great workout. Just go at your own pace. Don't be afraid to use lighter weights or a small range of movement. You can always build up later. Most of all, have fun!
  • I think the best answer is to listen to your body and push yourself as hard as you feel you can go. Don't be afraid to take things a little bit easier if you're finding it too hard or it's really uncomfortable. And experiment with Level 2 just as soon as you feel like a change. There are various ways to make the moves…
  • Thank you, eddiesmith1! I'm looking to lose about 20 pounds in 9 weeks, so about 2.2 lbs per week. It should be do-able, as long as I control my hunger pangs! Unfortunately last night I stayed up late (watching the Hackers film mentioned by another member!) and I ended up snacking and over-running my calorie target by…
  • Thanks so much for the advice and support, EmilyJackCO! :) Re: accessories, I'm pretty set on wearing some bondage restraints on my wrists and possibly my neck. Got some cool ideas for face make-up too. And I might even wear a quirky hat. Oh, and I've found some great cowboy boots!
  • For the curious, here's a good example of latex outfits (male and female): I feel like this post has gone slightly off-topic now. Apologies to anyone who finds this distasteful or offensive.
  • Latex is quite like rubber in feel and appearance. See this website for examples (WARNING: NSFW. Features semi-nudity and very revealing outfits).
  • Good luck! I bet you'll look great!
  • I'm not sure if you're being serious or not, but I'd recommend eBay as a great place to start.
  • I looked at some faux latex trousers (pants). They're much cheaper than latex! I'll probably get them. Thanks for the tip.
  • You inspired me to watch Hackers for the first time last night. It's funny what we thought was cool and hi-tech back in 1995! Also, the line is, "Spandex: it's a privilege, not a right" :) Spandex is quite different to latex!
  • It's only 9 weeks away! Pics? DEAL!!!
  • I did consider a corset, and also a boob tube! I'm bi anyway, so I'm not worried about looking macho. I think I'll go for a sleeveless vest or maybe even a short-sleeved shirt. That will cover up most issues!
  • Actually, I've been looking at the photo galleries of past events at this club and there are very few fat people. There are a hell of a lot of attractive people who are usually not wearing very much!
  • If I can look that good in 9 weeks, I'll even affect the Daredevil accent.
  • You have ruined my surprise outfit. I'll have to start searching all over again now.
  • I loved my wedding day and I enjoy being married (5 years now). Yeah my wedding was expensive, but it was a beautiful, fun day shared with all my friends and family (and my wife's). HOWEVER: I'm far from convinced that human beings are built for monogamy. Here are two relevant and enlightening presentations related to this…
  • Sadly not. It's also in the UK - I suspect slightly too far for you to travel from Texas!
  • I already look good in bike shorts, it's my top half I'm worried about!
  • Don't worry, I won't be wearing anything in public (the streets). I'll be getting changed at the club. And honestly, no-one in there cares. It's a place for people to be themselves and chill out without worrying what they look like... unlike most nightclubs.