Looking Good in Latex



  • I was thinking the same thing- pictures. Not sure I've ever seen anyone wearing Latex other than in glove form.

    Latex is quite like rubber in feel and appearance.

    See this website for examples (WARNING: NSFW. Features semi-nudity and very revealing outfits).
  • For the curious, here's a good example of latex outfits (male and female):

    I feel like this post has gone slightly off-topic now. Apologies to anyone who finds this distasteful or offensive.
  • EmilyJackCO
    EmilyJackCO Posts: 621 Member
    The good thing about latex is that it can mold things into the 'right' places, even though it still shows everything off. When in doubt - accessories, my friend. It can make all the difference in both appearance and confidence.

    I *wish* I could wear it, only because I am terribly allergic. *sigh* I'll always have my PVC though. :P

    Work hard, be consistent, and you've got this no problem. I will suggest trying things on a week and a day or two in advance, even as much of a pain as it might be.... and have a backup outfit or swappables, just in case. I've gotten burnt by trying to throw out a whole night just because I didn't look the way I wanted and didn't prepare my mental state for that possibility. Be kind to yourself in this as well, and you'll be just fine! :D
  • JenToms80
    JenToms80 Posts: 373 Member
    Good luck in reaching your goal! :)
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    2 pounds a week for 9 weeks is doable (I'm actually at 2.4 pounds a week since Jan 3rd) But of course it depends on how much you need to lose overall - I needed to lose 50-60 pounds so it was realistic for me. I doubt I can sustain the loss level as I get closer to the goal. As you said no-one will care anyway (My first date with my wife was at an old school gay leather club -Think Pacino in Cruising) I had a riot (2 hits of acid and an open mind didn't hurt mind you at 20)
    Have a blast
  • The good thing about latex is that it can mold things into the 'right' places, even though it still shows everything off. When in doubt - accessories, my friend. It can make all the difference in both appearance and confidence.

    I *wish* I could wear it, only because I am terribly allergic. *sigh* I'll always have my PVC though. :P

    Work hard, be consistent, and you've got this no problem. I will suggest trying things on a week and a day or two in advance, even as much of a pain as it might be.... and have a backup outfit or swappables, just in case. I've gotten burnt by trying to throw out a whole night just because I didn't look the way I wanted and didn't prepare my mental state for that possibility. Be kind to yourself in this as well, and you'll be just fine! :D

    Thanks so much for the advice and support, EmilyJackCO! :) Re: accessories, I'm pretty set on wearing some bondage restraints on my wrists and possibly my neck. Got some cool ideas for face make-up too. And I might even wear a quirky hat. Oh, and I've found some great cowboy boots!
  • archaichoney
    archaichoney Posts: 132 Member
    Best intro thread ever! I wish you lots of luck... now you have me wanting to get into some latex and hitting up fetish clubs :devil:
  • 2 pounds a week for 9 weeks is doable (I'm actually at 2.4 pounds a week since Jan 3rd) But of course it depends on how much you need to lose overall - I needed to lose 50-60 pounds so it was realistic for me. I doubt I can sustain the loss level as I get closer to the goal. As you said no-one will care anyway (My first date with my wife was at an old school gay leather club -Think Pacino in Cruising) I had a riot (2 hits of acid and an open mind didn't hurt mind you at 20)
    Have a blast
    Thank you, eddiesmith1!

    I'm looking to lose about 20 pounds in 9 weeks, so about 2.2 lbs per week. It should be do-able, as long as I control my hunger pangs! Unfortunately last night I stayed up late (watching the Hackers film mentioned by another member!) and I ended up snacking and over-running my calorie target by about 400 calories.

    Hopefully I will do better today, especially with all the lovely support from everyone. Thank you!

    Everyone I speak to about this fetish club says that it's even better than most nightclubs. Women generally feel far more comfortable because there is a strictly-enforced "no touching" rule (unless you want people to touch you, of course!). Plus, everyone is there just to have a bit of fantasy and fun anyway. I just wish my wife was coming with me!
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    2 pounds a week for 9 weeks is doable (I'm actually at 2.4 pounds a week since Jan 3rd) But of course it depends on how much you need to lose overall - I needed to lose 50-60 pounds so it was realistic for me. I doubt I can sustain the loss level as I get closer to the goal. As you said no-one will care anyway (My first date with my wife was at an old school gay leather club -Think Pacino in Cruising) I had a riot (2 hits of acid and an open mind didn't hurt mind you at 20)
    Have a blast
    Thank you, eddiesmith1!

    I'm looking to lose about 20 pounds in 9 weeks, so about 2.2 lbs per week. It should be do-able, as long as I control my hunger pangs! Unfortunately last night I stayed up late (watching the Hackers film mentioned by another member!) and I ended up snacking and over-running my calorie target by about 400 calories.

    Hopefully I will do better today, especially with all the lovely support from everyone. Thank you!

    Everyone I speak to about this fetish club says that it's even better than most nightclubs. Women generally feel far more comfortable because there is a strictly-enforced "no touching" rule (unless you want people to touch you, of course!). Plus, everyone is there just to have a bit of fantasy and fun anyway. I just wish my wife was coming with me!

    My wife took me to that one we went to in 1980 - She hung out with the gay and fashion sides of the Punk scene whereas I was more from the Musician end of things (Though I did hang around Sex a lot in 76-77 just couldn't afford the kit - most people I knew who had the stuff from there probably nicked it :noway: )