

  • My insurance also required a 6 month supervised diet, and my surgeon wanted me to lose 15 lbs before surgery. I lost 35 lbs. No special diet, I started exercising and follow the post op habits/diets I would have to get used to.
  • It can be very scary, the risks are real but I had to remember that the health risks of being morbidly obese FAR outweigh the risks of the surgery. The risks of surgery are something that might happen. If I continued to live overweight the health risks weren't risks, they were a certainly. I had already developed core…
  • Seminars can be scary. The surgeon wouldnt be doing their job if they weren't presenting all the alternatives and every complication that could occur. I would run away from any surgeon that didnt present a full picture of each of the procedures. Everybody's experience is different and you have to make the choice thats…
    in HELP! Comment by Andrewimm February 2013
  • Not a bander either, but I do know other guys that did Lap Band so you are not alone. You have to do what is best for you and what you feel most comfortable with.
  • I was walking the day of surgery and kept it up. During my 2 week post op I was sore but able to walk, and even work around the house and clean the garage, etc. At my 2 week follow up they told me to keep walking and I could begin other exercise but to hold off on swimming for a couple of weeks. Just keep moving. This week…
  • Its good you will have somebody to go on this journey. My wife had gastric bypass in August 2012, I had the same procedure three weeks ago.
  • I'm 6'0 and am three weeks out from surgery today and have lost 30 lbs. (I've been stuck the past 4 days and havent lost a pound) but here are my stats.... My heaviest weight was 386. Weight when starting pre-op diet 362. Surgery weight on 12/27 = 327 (35 lbs lost) 3 weeks out = 297 (30 lbs lost/ 65 lbs total)
  • My wife and I both had RNY surgery through Methodist Hospital's Health for Life Center. Its on Fredericksburg Road by the Medical Center. They have a support group that meets in the evenings but we haven't been able to go as we are in New Braunfels and cant make it with our work schedule. I would contact them and ask if…
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