cgale8 Member


  • We have several in our family that are vegetarian. Last year we had a vegetarian Thanksgiving and no one complained!! Stuffing/dressing became our main dish and it worked out well for the second day as the basis for sandwiches with cranberry sauce. We made gravy as well. There are many recipes for vegetarian turkey but we…
  • My children brought Reeces into the house and of course that is a major downfall. I did write each one down along with the calorie count!! (a lot better than what I have done in the past!!) So Halloween is over, candy is gone and I went over an extra 500 calories. Not great but definetely not as bad as it could have…
  • Welcome!! I hope you find everything you need to help you achieve your goals. What distances do you like to run? I am currently doing the c25k program, in week 4 right now. It's been a challenge but a good one!
  • I like your "casting troubles upon the water", the act of writing things out is most cathartic for yourself and doing so in on this forum helps you to not only vent but also gain support from others. Your sister has many things going on in her life. She is experiencing things that she cannot control and her fear is driving…
  • Your name caught my attention! I assume it might have something to do with your photography. I have not added many friends on here but if you want you can add me. I have a lot longer way to go than you do but I am consistent on logging in. Currently working on week 4 go the couch to 5k program and struggling to find the…
  • Thank you!! you give me hope that I too can get to this goal! Great job, Congratulations!!! :smile:
  • I understand completely!! I too have been "skating" with my weight loss journey (I happen to like the word!!). I am consistent about putting things on my food log, and I have been working on the Couch to 5K (c25k) program and I keep my fitbit in my pocket every day. I am doing all the "right" things but I'm not following…
  • I watch my sodium intake but not my sugar. The reason I do it is because of fluid retention. I really can feel it when I have had a higher sodium day or not. Best way to keep sodium low is to not eat fast food!!!! :smile:
    in Salt? Comment by cgale8 October 2012
  • Since you are that active, have you looked at the amount of calories that your activity level needs? Your body may be storing the calories hat you are eating because you are not fueling your body with enough considering your activity level.
  • You did not get here overnight and you will not get to the proper place overnight. You need to seek the advice of a good counselor that specializes in eating disorders if possible. For now concentrate on eating every two hours and force yourself not to look at the calories. Incorporate the help of trusted family members…
  • I feel that it is a habit, you stated you have been doing this since you were little. Look at your food diary and make sure you are eating enough protein to stave off hunger. You could also try drinking a glass of water before eating anything when you do wake up. You have been doing this for so long that it is second…
  • as others have stated you may be eating too few calories to sustain your workouts and your body's daily needs. I know when you are trying to lose weight the thought of eating more to help you lose is a foreign concept. If you don't eat enough calories to sustain your needs then your body goes into survival mode and will…
  • Sedentary with the other activities logged as work outs.
  • I tend to be hyper critical of myself when I have to do a presentation or meeting. I always get discouraged and think about my appearance. My "ah-ha" moments come when I realize that I have not changed shape/size so everyone has already "seen" me, I just haven't "seen" myself. These are the thoughts that motivate me when I…
  • I also have eight, four boys and four girls. I started this journey because all of them are very athletic and I wanted to look like I belong with them!!!
  • I just started the c25K as well. I have ALWAYS wanted to be a runner and have never trusted myself (due to my size) to be able to accomplish it. A friend started the program and I decided to join her to just give it a try. The c25k program has a free ap that you can download that takes you through each workout. I put it on…
  • First: Congratulations for beginning your journey!! Second: I would start by getting a set of measuring spoons and cups and become friends with them!! I have always mindlessly ate and this is the only way I could get a handle on my eating. Start drinking water! Many times you think your hungry and your actually thirsty.…
  • So sorry for your losses. Everyone experiences grief at a different pace so don't get discouraged if you feel good today and not next weel. I suggest you just take it slow and do what you feel like doing each day. Sending prayers for you.
  • Your memory has an innate ability to remember things a certain way. You have always looked at yourself and saw a heavier person. Now you logically know that your not but it does take time for your brain to "catch up" to your new reality. It's a phantom memory much like an amputee that still feels their limb that is no…
  • I have over 200 pounds to lose, Wow that's the first time I think I've written that out! I have been on here for almost four weeks and have read many posts and commented on some. I have the eating/meal planning down pat. I stay around my daily calorie allotment, I just don't know how to get motivated to actually do more…
  • We don't have spinning classes here either. So I purchase a Spinner Fit bike. It wan't that expensive (I made payments!) and I really like the videos that you can get with it cause its the next best thing to being there. If you don't want to go that route then you can use a regular bike on a trainer. Google "bike trainers"…
  • Aparently his parents did not teach him how to value another human being on who they are not what they look like. You are on this journey for you not anyone else!!
  • my small win was I stepped on the scale after my pool workout and saw a number I haven't seen in over six months!!!
  • I found your post very interesting. I have not been on here a month yet and this disturbs me. I thought the message boards were meant for encouragement and support not critiquing and judgement. You are the only person that can understand what works for your body. Congratulations on all your achievements thus far. I think…
  • I'll give it a shot! Weekly Goal: 3000 Mon: calories burned (how they were burned) Tues: calories burned (how they were burned) Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur: calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how they were burned) Sat: calories burned (how they were burned) Sun: calories…
  • Quit eating red meat 10+ years ago as a family of 10. We then were vegetarian for a year then vegan for a while then back to vegetarian for another year and are now what we called "vegetarianist". We do not eat red meat, wild game, or non organic anything. We eat more vegetarian meals per week than meals with meat. Each…
  • First: Don't try to convince her. You have to do this for yourself only. I have several in my house including my husband that needs to get healthier as well. The more you bring it up the farther away she will go. Her animosity is most likely rooted in her own desire to get healthy but not making progress and the more she…
  • I know how you feel, I also am a trained therapist and tried to help an individual but his mind was made up and he not only took his life but the lives of two others as well. It was several years ago and it took me a long time to forgive myself because I too felt there was something I should have picked up on or done to…
  • First: there is nothing you could have done to prevent this from happening. So please don't blame yourself for anything. Suicide is a terrible tragedy that only the victim knows why they did it. Some people show signs leading up and some just make a decision and follow through. Second: take care of yourself. let the grief…
  • It is a hard journey but you are worth every bit of energy you put into you. Negativity is a very had thing to overcome. We can be told many positive things but we tend to only hear the negatives. Find a therapist or support group that you are comfortable with. A good one will not focus on you problems completely and will…