Friends Needed

Hey Ya'll

I am a married man looking for some great support...

I have a very busy life....

Full time job... Full Time Student... Big brother (Of the big brother program)... Part time photography... And have a little puppy that depends on me... And trying to start my new life style... a healther me...

I need friends that have a great attitude that are funny...

I am happily married...

If your just adding people to have another number on your list please do not add me...

Only add me if you seriously want to be a friend....

Thanks Print


  • cgale8
    cgale8 Posts: 34 Member
    Your name caught my attention! I assume it might have something to do with your photography. I have not added many friends on here but if you want you can add me. I have a lot longer way to go than you do but I am consistent on logging in. Currently working on week 4 go the couch to 5k program and struggling to find the motivation to do something on the days in between!!!
  • Glad my name caught your eye :)
  • bump it up ":P
  • MissJen77
    Hey Print

    I'm a married woman with a 4 year old son - I also have a 12 month old show dog who I dedicate my time to.
    I've just joined a gym today and my neighbour who is a personal trainer at the gym suggested this website/app.
    I'm 47 and my goal is for a healthier happier me to keep up with my son as his life becomes bigger and better.
    You would be my first friend on here:wink:
  • MercurialScribes
    Hi :) I'm completely new... this is my first day, but I'm thoroughly enjoying reading about everyone, and am looking for some supportive friends myself. I don't even know how to "add" anyone at this point... still familiarizing myself with the site and all. I have a long way to go, and anticipate being a very active and supportive member on this site, as much as I can be. I made an intro post as well... "Dissociative Identity Disorder Weight Loss??" if you want to check it out. Let's make this membership count!!
  • seychele
    Hi,its my first day.i do not have much people to motivate me in this but also hope i will soon get nice supportive friends to help me meet my goal.
  • mrso97
    mrso97 Posts: 147 Member
    i too am happily married, work full time and have two dogs that keep me very busy..i am trying to live a healthly lifestyle, i dont smoke , drink rarely and i want to look my very best for my husband of almost 16 years. i have a great support system at home but i need some friends to keep me motivated! add me and we can help eachother!
  • Sent all you a request...
  • Weizamom
    Weizamom Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! I don't add many people I don't know, but I also love photography, originally from Savage and I like that you stress how happily married you are! My husband is in much better shape than I am and I want to keep up with him. We have a beautiful 14 mo daughter together. Friend me if you would like!
  • ripemango
    ripemango Posts: 534 Member
    i've got some paper :)
  • Angellaree
    Angellaree Posts: 71 Member
    Feel free to add me! I happily married with 2 children and I am new to MFP also, Would love to have some motivational friends on here who I could encourage also!
  • Snoozypaws3000
    Snoozypaws3000 Posts: 133 Member
    Hi there,

    Welcome to the site.
    I'm fairly new here myself [only joined about a week ago] and am absolutely astounded by the support I've already received.

    I've been looking at upping my exercise and with that in mind have just invested in a Bodymedia gadget [called the Ki-Fit here in the UK]

    I do quite a bit of hiking [have done the Inca Trail and 2 years ago spent 2 weeks hiking the foothills of the Himalaya in Nepal] and tons of walking with my furry exercise machine Tugg the border terrier. What type of pup have you got?
    I absolutely love my dog to bits and a real motivator on those days when I don't fancy going out for a jog as he obviously needs to be walked even in the rain and snow....bless him.

    My partner David works at a bank, runs a lot, eats whatever he wants and is as skinny as a rake [quite annoying! LOL] Me, I just look at a muffin and it goes straight to my hips.

    I do quite a bit of cooking and spend quite a bit of time adapting recipes to make them healthier and I have a smallholding where I grow my own vegetables, fruit and nuts and i keep a flock of hens, quails and a pair of peacocks that actually belong to my next door neighbour but spend most of the day in my garden [possibly due to the fact that I bribe them with the odd handful of raisins!]

    My goals are to both lose some weight [have about a stone and a half to go and to also really increase the amount of exercise I do to become healthier and fitter.

    Anyway, i can see that you've had plenty of offers of friends already but if you need another [and I could do with some more supportive banter myself] then please add me as a friend.

    Look forward to seeing how you progress over the weeks
    Sky x
    PS, I have 2 Cannon EOS [one digital and one old-school film cameras] and several other compact cameras as I am a part time jewellery designer and am taking lots of pictures of my pieces to go on my website...I'm only an amateur photographer so I'm finding it pretty hard to get good results as i work with dichroic glass which is highly reflective...makes it a bit of a nightmare to try and get a good shot!]
    What camera do you have?
  • Hi there,

    Welcome to the site.
    I'm fairly new here myself [only joined about a week ago] and am absolutely astounded by the support I've already received.

    I've been looking at upping my exercise and with that in mind have just invested in a Bodymedia gadget [called the Ki-Fit here in the UK]

    I do quite a bit of hiking [have done the Inca Trail and 2 years ago spent 2 weeks hiking the foothills of the Himalaya in Nepal] and tons of walking with my furry exercise machine Tugg the border terrier. What type of pup have you got?
    I absolutely love my dog to bits and a real motivator on those days when I don't fancy going out for a jog as he obviously needs to be walked even in the rain and snow....bless him.

    My partner David works at a bank, runs a lot, eats whatever he wants and is as skinny as a rake [quite annoying! LOL] Me, I just look at a muffin and it goes straight to my hips.

    I do quite a bit of cooking and spend quite a bit of time adapting recipes to make them healthier and I have a smallholding where I grow my own vegetables, fruit and nuts and i keep a flock of hens, quails and a pair of peacocks that actually belong to my next door neighbour but spend most of the day in my garden [possibly due to the fact that I bribe them with the odd handful of raisins!]

    My goals are to both lose some weight [have about a stone and a half to go and to also really increase the amount of exercise I do to become healthier and fitter.

    Anyway, i can see that you've had plenty of offers of friends already but if you need another [and I could do with some more supportive banter myself] then please add me as a friend.

    Look forward to seeing how you progress over the weeks
    Sky x
    PS, I have 2 Cannon EOS [one digital and one old-school film cameras] and several other compact cameras as I am a part time jewellery designer and am taking lots of pictures of my pieces to go on my website...I'm only an amateur photographer so I'm finding it pretty hard to get good results as i work with dichroic glass which is highly reflective...makes it a bit of a nightmare to try and get a good shot!]
    What camera do you have?

    What an essay... :) Hopefully I do not miss any of your questions...

    Buddy is a Dorky... that is the short name.. I do not know how to spell the actual name...

    You will have to share some good recipes with me... I suck at cooking but im working on it...

    My camera is a Canon Rebel... & My wife is the photography expert I am just her helper lol.. and back up photographer

    I have sent all of you a friend request :D
  • mandyneedtolose
    mandyneedtolose Posts: 398 Member
    Welcome to this amazing site!!! I am always looking for a friend, to offer support and motivation to and to also get that occassional kick in the butt when I need it as well!!!! I love to watch peoples journey, and to give them the "high five" when they get to a goal. None of my friends are just a number, they are a weight loss buddy!!!! :)

    Feel free to add me if you'd like!!!! :)