

  • I did WW and I didn't like it. There were too many extra steps to keeping track. I love MFP because it's calorie counting. Not complex. No sliding rulers to carry with you everywhere and plug in calories fat and carbs to figure out points. It was a pain in the butt. I lost maybe 10 lbs with WW over the course of almost a…
  • Yup, I've been sliced and diced too LOL! Darn breech stubborn kid... :D I feel all you Mama's. That pooch... can't we just convince the world that it's sexy or something? I mean... COME ON. :D B
  • You got this, girl! Congrats on your new little Grace! I have two girls... and finally buckled down to lose the pregnancy weight... I was 171 lbs and a size 14 in October... thanks to MFP, I'm currently a size 8 and 141 lbs. :D And still losing. YOU CAN DO IT! :D
  • You guys all keep me inspired every step of the way! :D
  • Hi guys! I love this site. I've lost 23 lbs since November, and i'm just truckin along! :D
    in :) Comment by MamaKorupt February 2011
  • You guys can DO IT! I've always always always struggled with my weight, even before my two daughters (and more so after lol) and this is literally the only thing that's ever worked for me. I've lost 21 lbs since November... it's kind of a slow process but it's happening! I have 20 more to go and then a lifetime to…