IrishHarpy1 Member


  • I routinely hit 21K+ steps each day - with around 10K-12K of those between the time I get up at 4:45AM to when I walk into work for 8:00AM. I have a "desk job," but still manage to take as many trips to the printer/restroom/associates' desks as I possibly can. After work, just running around doing housework and chasing…
  • Not sure if you caught the part about NOTHING changing except the meds...
  • If only it were that simple. I did all of the above - and still managed to pack on 15 pounds over the course of 7 months on Zoloft, and that's after 3 years of perfect maintenance. Nothing else changed... weighed/measured everything, exercised daily, no other changes other than the introduction of the medication.…
  • If by "like-minded people" you mean "people who believe in magic potions, pixie dust, and MLMs"... then you might want to try checking out theirr website. But instead, let's get rather snippy with a long-term MFP member who is a walking success story for eating FOOD and getting fit. Alllllllrighty, then.
  • How old you are has ZERO to do with what you can tolerate eating. Ever heard of hypertaste? Aversions to certain food textures? It's entirely possible to get the same vitamins, nutrients, and fiber from supplements if you can't tolerate veggies. Or, you can go the route I have and find recipes (there are tons of them out…
  • I'm 5'2" and 125... and far from "pudgy". In fact, I look pretty darned awesome for an old broad. Maybe you need to pick up a few weights or something... or perhaps stop generalizing.
  • That doesn't seem to be working tonight, unfortunately -- I've tried it twice. After over three years with a Fitbit, however, I've learned to be patient. :smile:
  • And we have a winner! /endthread
  • I think she was just suggesting them as a viable alternative to protein shakes. They're a bit more portable, and have just as much protein as a shake does.
  • My question would be -- why? MFP uses an algorithm based on your current stats and what you want to lose, and generates the calories you NEED to get you there. I don't know what your end goal is, but you want to make it there in a way that's healthful and DOABLE, and not something based on a caloric intake that probably…
  • Meh. I've been a size 22, am now a size 2, and I realize that sometimes a catchy tune is exactly that. /shrugs
  • Good gravy, people -- I'm not an idiot (not that anyone came right out and called me one), but: No, I have not lost weight -- I have been maintaining for over two years. Yes, I use a HRM to overwrite intense exercise -- I have a Polar FT7 that I have been using with my Fitbit from Day 1. Absolutely NOTHING has changed…
  • Nope. It's a Fitbit One that I've worn in the exact same place since I purchased it to replace my old Ultra (clipped to waistband or pants pocket). It seemed to record VAM just fine up until a few months ago, and it will still (occasionally) keep the VAM after the MFP sync. I think it's a translation/overwrite issue, but…
  • I've been having issues with my Fitbit regarding VAM (Very Active Minutes) since last fall. I'll put in a good 45 minutes of pretty intense elliptical work, the Fitbit site shows all of it as VAM, then after it syncs with MFP -- BAM! Zero minutes. Other than that, everything else seems pretty accurate. It was a little…
  • LOVE my AEO jeans as well... though I find it rather funny that when I worked there almost 20 years (and 80+ pounds) ago I couldn't fit into *any* of the womens' clothing there. :laugh:
  • My work wardrobe comes from stores like Talbots, J. Crew, White House/Black Market, et al because I work in a professional environment and have a dress code to which I need to adhere. But on the weekends? I wear whatever I please... because I couldn't care less about someone else's opinion about how I dress. Today I wore a…
  • Did you read the original post? Or just her backpedaling on the subject?
  • Live like *what*, may I ask? I get up early every morning for a good solid workout with kettlebell and/or cardio, still eat pretty much whatever the hell I want within my macros, and enjoy every bit of it. I just happen to *NET* fewer calories than the OP was insisting was bad for "anybody." Once you have lived MY life…
  • This is one of those moments that I wish time travel were possible... so that the OP's 40- or 50-something year old, post-menopausal self who has a sedentary 9-5 job can come back and whack her upside the head and say "WTH were you thinking?" I thought I knew everything at 19 years old, too. Sincerely, A 45-year old,…
  • I feel the need to comment just so that this awesomeness is more easily accessible....
  • Brain cells, apparently... :/
  • I've been using a Fitbit for almost three years, and when I synced it with MFP I placed my activity level at "sedentary". When I do my heavy cardio in the morning I use my Polar FT4 for the calorie burn, which overwrites the Fitbit reading for the same time period. Otherwise, I just let Fitbit do the adjustments for me…
  • Surgically-induced menopause for me (uterine hysterectomy in 2009, ovary removed January of this year), and am currently taking estradiol. I managed to lose all my weight AFTER my first surgery, and have been maintaining for over two years with no struggles. It *CAN* be done if you work hard enough at it!
  • This is exactly what I've done for the past couple of years. I've set my activity level here to "sedentary" and let the HRM entries/Fitbit adjustments calculate my calorie maximum. Works like a charm :)
  • I've had the Jaybird Freedom 4 earbuds for over a year of pretty much daily use, and they've been *fantastic*. Amazing sound, no issues with the cord sticking to the back of my neck (and trust me, I *sweat* during my workouts), and good for about 4 hours on a charge. *SO* much better than dealing with the ridiculously long…
  • So, does the air have to be clean and/or organic? Is processed air OK? I wanna make sure I'm doing this properly...
  • Yes, I'd like to hear your explanation as well. How is common sense "ridiculous?" What *I* find ridiculous is someone espousing "skinny" over "healthy." You know, like the title of the book...
  • I've had a Fitbit for almost three years now, and never ONCE has it recorded driving anywhere as "steps." The only quirky thing it has ever done to me was record flights of stairs when I crossed the George Washington Bridge in NYC -- but the amount of "floors" has no bearing on the estimated calorie burn, so I just laughed…