Or just shrug it off, tomorrow is a new day! I confess that yesterday I ate almost a full bulk sized bag of dried mangoes with dark chocolate. My poop today was AWESOME because of it haha
Hi, my name is Victoria and I've figured out my bench but my deadlifts are now causing an issue. Evidently being a perfectionist is not conducive to power lifting haha
@quiksylver296 since I know you will be stoked as I am on this. FINALLY MOVED 95Lbs ON BENCH LIKE IT WAS AN OPENER!!! COME ON 100'S!!!!
LOL I can settle with that! For real I need over freaking 100 already, I can't seem to figure out at all.
Wana trade squat for bench? I'm still under 100 and it's driving me BATTY.
Hiiii, been busy as all hell with work and training. I think soon I'll be able to pop in more often and say hello! So I just survived my first Month End, my brain was mush by the end of it but I learned a lot and figured out the best way for me to handle it all. So hopefully next Month End is going to relatively compared…
Hi all! Busy as heck with the new job, things are moving wonderfully. I am so happy, busy and it's a huge step forward for me. Hugs and love to those who need them <3
Van is roughly, 6ish hours from me. I'll talk to Martin tonight about it! :)
THIS IS FREAKING AWESOME. Also unsolicited thing I noticed, you're deadlifts are AMAZING but I think you can add more poundage if you get the bar in closer to your legs, that way it's less of a struggle with the bar.
Hiiii, I've been quite here. I got laid off Tuesday or well got two weeks notice of being laid off. So all the job hunting and weighing options, we may be heading back to Ottawa. That's undecided currently but any prayers and good vibes are welcomed.
We're doing a "No spend August" aka no buying *kitten* we don't need as well! Here's hoping we can follow through with it :)
So in consultation with my therapist I'm stopping with tracking my calories and eating intuitively, I'm starting to get obsessive in a bad way with calories etc. So instead I am ensure that my macros and micros are hit (which is a big thing as a vegan) with three basic meals and then the rest I will be eating as I feel…
I'm just lurking, nothing to contribute lately :)
Wild West! The big fires are hours away from us but the wind brings the smoke, BC is pretty much on fire all summer long. There has been multiple wild fires spawn up around town (that have been mainly contained), they have no closed 3 parks within Kelowna because it is that dry that even ATVs etc may cause a fire. :s
Ooooo enjoy! I guess I'll bulk up when we compete together, I'm close enough that either or is a possibility! :D
Hiii my name is Victoria, I am a big ball of hurt and exhaustion! There's a astounding amount of fires going on around here which has caused our little valley to be "flooded" with smoke, I think the lack of oxygen (yesterday we were at the same air quality level as New Delhi, India) in the air is just causing me to be…
Uhoh! Hope you heal up quickly!
Yay your back is better! I get frustrated then stuff my face as well, I totally get that one. It'll go down within the week i'm sure. This weekend was busy but wonderful! Saturday we hit the gym (deload still) and then went to a therapeutic farm for a vegan potluck. There was a fire that started Saturday about 20 minutes…
I'm debating if I want to stay here or gun for 63kg. Not sure yet
That's my category!!! We need to lift together at a comp soooon <3
BC is being ravaged by forest fires lately, our cit is under a air condition advisory. Typically you can see mountains here, also it is sunny and 30. Welcome to the Wild West!
Yesss! This is why we plot trips around lifting comps lol. I think the next big one (Florida in Feb as well), I'm going to compete. xD
November is our next one so I am determined! I haven't decided on numbers aside from bench, I thinks squats I would love to hit 250lbs.
Hi all! If you have me on Facebook or Instagram you have seen these already so you get to enjoy them again! So I will do a meet breakdown for yall since I haven't done one at all yet so lucky you guys! We left to go to the venue at 6am, weigh ins were at 8am and start time was 10am. Squats: First was at 85kg (187lbs),…
Hi all! Took two days off from work to sleep and eat, out of the 48 hours I was up maybe 15 of them. I feel a tonne better despite my nose still running outta control. Tomorrow is my competition, we're carpooling so there will be 4 of us in the car.
Glad he was released! Here's hoping things work out for you both
So guess who put off getting meds and is sincerely regretting it, we're heading to the states tomorrow for the wedding. My anxiety is a ridiculous high and catastrophic thoughts are running over and over again in my head, add on top of the fact that I am wearing my singlet to workouts now to get the feel of them which…
Find those mini snack packs? The ones that have like 4 in a package
GUYS GUYS GUYS! Today I squated my previous one rep max (200lbs) and it moved like a warm knife through butter! Two weeks away from competition as of Saturday, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!