

  • I have actually had this conversation with my trainers at the gym.....because I have no problem losing the pounds but I have all this "saggy skin" but my trainer says it's not actually all skin it's still fat and as you reduce ur body fat percentage and start weight training you should be able to tighten most of it up and…
  • Sorry I didnt get home last night until late but my weigh in weight as of yesterday morning was 202! And I have already reached my non weight goal of fitting into a size 14 jeans :)))))))))_They are actually already a little big!!!!!! So just 3 pounds to reach my weight goal!!!!!
  • Ok as of this morning my current weight is 208lbs.........I did just fine with the water challenge around 10-12 or more per day!!!!:)))))
  • Sorry I'm a little late with my weigh in this week anyway it's 218!!!
  • yep I get all that cuz I know its his job so we will just wait and see I guess right! If he is interested it will come out one way or another and if h isnt ill figure it out and we can be friends cuz he is a cool guy! Thanks folks!
  • I have hypothyroidism and I have lost 140+ I just take my meds daily (levothroxyin-and FYI all it is-is the generic form of synthroid) and exercise and try to eat as healthy as possible and I have had no problems whatsoever!!!
  • @fat2fit4good........it is def. possible I've lost like 140+ lbs and I'm a diabetic and have high blood pressure and so far my doctor has cut both my diabetes and blood pressure med's in half and he told me if I keep it up he has faith that I could get completely off so I'm hopeful!!!! So yes it's possible and good luck…
  • Hi.....I am totally interested in joining this challenge!!! Starting weight 222LBS Goal weight 199LBS want to be under 200 for sure! Ummmmm a goal not related to the scale.......hmmmmm how bout to fit into a size 14 !!!!!!! Will that work????:embarassed:
  • I just use MFP to calculate my exercise calories but I'm thinking my next paycheck I may buy a HRM.......but When I'm hungry I eat and when I'm not I don't .....I cant imagine eating that many calories and losing weight???? IDK??
  • Okay....so My goal is 1440 and thats just what I need to eat to function.....? But usually I excercise alot sometimes as much as 2000 calorie burn a day.....so in order to net my goal id have to eat 3440 in calories to net that and I know my body I'd NEVER EVER lose ANY weight at that rate......so I'm at a loss here?????…
  • So if My calorie goal is 1440 a day and I eat a totalf of 1200-1300 calories a day but my excercise = more than 1300 and my net is a negative number then thats NOT good? I cannot get my head around this at all/am I stupid ? I just dont understand y u would want a positive # if u r trying to lose weight????? I'm not trying…
  • When I first started losing weight I was at 366lbs and my boobs were a 50DDD but now Ive lost over 100lbs (obviously before I joined this site) I'm in like a 42 C and I still have a way to go and most of the reason the bra size is so big is because I have side boobage...lol!
  • I just started doing the Zumba on the Wii at home and by the time I'm done I'm always dripping sweat so I wouldn't think it would be considered low impact....I added it as a new exercise and just put in what it said I burned by my weight......IDK?????
  • Hi....I just joined the site like 2 days ago and haven't lost any lbs yet, but when I 1st started I weighed in at 366 and on my own I'm down to 225. My sister started using this site and got me interested so hey if I can do it anyone can honey ......Feel free to add me on as a friend and my sister Angela Fonville also we…