
  • I want to look good in a bikini. If I can do that by xmas 2012 I am heading for fun in the sun. I would like to shop the sales rack and find a bunch of deals cause there seems to be more regular clothes on sale then plus sizes. My current mini goal is to be able to do sit ups... I sarted a boot camp and I can't do a sit up…
  • Hi I am 46 yrs young and single. I have 2 grown up step-children still in my life. I have been on the site a while. I am from notherh canada and love the outdoors. I have great friends that motivate me when I fall down. I just started a boot camp and I am sore all over. But it is defenilty worth it. My goals this year is…
  • love this... thanks for sharing.
  • right back at you!:wink:
  • congrats!!!! I remember what a wonderful feeling was to get there!!! :~)
    in I DID IT!! Comment by FILLE July 2011
  • WOW you are fabulous! What dedication! Thank you for sharing you will inspire many! You are beautiful! Sending you a ray of sunshine and a huge smile!
  • April 1rst ~ SW 179 April 8th ~ 181 April 15 ~ 178 April 22 ~ 176 April 29 ~ 176 (technically no change however on Tuesday I was 181 because of the bad choices I took while traveling on Monday and the Casey's Bar and Grill supper on Monday with my mom and sister.)
  • When people notice my weigh loss and they ask me what diet I am on... I tell them I am not on a diet I am starting to eat heathly. I think this stops them in their tracks... lol, I am motivated to change the way I was eating. I hope you find the support you need, add me as friend if you want. I will send you encouraging…
  • wishing you well, take care!
  • April 1rst ~ SW 179 April 8th ~ 181 April 15 ~ 178 April 22 ~ 176 I am proud I am staying on track. I am still travelling will be home on Sunday.
  • SW 179 ~April 1rst April 8th ~ 181 April 15 ~ 178 YA!!!! I was on the road Monday and Wednesday, I drank tons of water and modified all meals at the restaurants!!! I even used buses and my 2 legs to shop in Ottawa!!! I am traveling again today and will make the same choices! Have a fantastic week! GW ~169
  • totally agree, the most important thing is to be honest with yourself. This is a great site for motivation and support.. Fell free to add me as friend. I will defenitly offer support and encouragement and YAYAYA. have a great adventure!
  • it does work and the friends help keep you motivated, add me if you want
  • The goal for this week is to burn at least 400 calories per day. You can break it up into portions you don't have to do it all at one time. Good Luck to everyone. See ya'll Friday. [/quote] I need to share! While in Ottawa, I decided to take the bus or walk were I wanted to go. I got in about 4 hrs of walking which i…
  • I am on the road most of the week - this morning (continental breakfast) I chose to have raisin bran cereal with skim milk and an orange for breakfast! I am going to carry a bottle of water, My goal today at restaurants will be to fill my plate with raw vegetables. Have a great week everyone!
  • My week started off fantastic, my quota of veggies and fruits. I stopped eating at home due to a family emergency; therefore eating everyone elses meals was not the greatest. I gained 2 pounds :( SW 179 ~April 1rst April 8th ~ 181 GW ~169 I will really refocus my efforts this week! I will be traveling and will have to…
  • Well I got in a salad for lunch ....then thought outside the box and decided to make my sheppard pie with mashed cauliflower... everyone loved it!!!! and one serving was 209 cal!!!! I also had a side of brocoli slaw and carrot slaw with my supper!
  • I am in sw- 179 gw169 (scary and strange number as I have not been in the one sixties in 25 yrs!!!!!) Is there a way that this will be on my profile???
  • Yes I agree, small measure one person at a time! we are here to encourage and get encouraged and inspired by others!
  • check this out eating-your-exercise-calo"> it may answer your question
  • check out these 2 sites eating-your-exercise-calo"> there are other site here also that recommend eating your cals.
  • Frustrating to have un-spportive people in your life. You are currently on a journey here on MFP. Maybe this journey will help you shed a few pounds as well as a few friends. I hope you can connect with someone that will empathize with you and support you through the highs and lows. (I have one fabulous friend that has…
  • Have any of you been introduced to spagetti squash, once cooked you add any sauce you want like spagetti sauce... very low in cals... does not have a strong taste? Another veggies that has become interesting is cooked cauliflower. Once cooked mash it like potatoes and butter to taste and spice it up with your…
    in Picky eater! Comment by FILLE March 2011
  • This site is wonderfull. I have been on and off this site since 2009, I began again in February but I am adding friends this time. It is great to get words of encouragement. Feel free to add me as friend
  • Adding people to your friend list help also. I am now 45 years young and have been on and off this site since 2009. A friend suggested to start adding friend to get words of encouragment and motivation. It is working for me. Please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Not from Hamilton but if you want to add me as a friend feel free...
  • you can add me as a friend. the more you have on the site the more accountable and motivated you may become. from Northern Ontario
  • hello. hope all is well. if you want support please feel free to add me as a friend. I do not have heart problems but I am becoming more aware of food labels.
  • I totally agree!!! Adding friends help for support and motivation... welcome and feel free to add me as a friend
  • WOW! congrats! I've been on and off this site since 2009... A friend suggested I make friends on this site which will help motivate me!... It has! you are welcome to add me as a friend.