Apparently I set off a firestorm on this post! Didn't mean to have people debate the validity of humor and sarcasm. Sorry to those who don't enjoy random humor and some jibes once in a while.
While many outside of Chicago think all we eat is deep-dish, WRONG. While we do enjoy a good deep-dish once in a while. Majority of us in Chicago/Burbs eat THIN CRUST, cut "chicago style" or into squares. Chicagoans, we love our thin crunchy crust!
Go Chicago! Second City in the eyes of the nation, but first in my heart. :-) I know I'm corny. I'm in the burbs :-\ Go White Sox!
I knew there had to be some folks who like to lose weight in 140 characters or less.
Really no tweeters among us? :)
1,000! Wow. I thought I was doing awesome with 110 days of logging! You are an inspiration to us all.
How do you paste a photo? I never know how? Adam Levine anyone?
:-) I just worked out in the morning and ate a good helping of everything. The leftovers is what did me in. -Jeremy
Such a debate, even among my friends. I have die hard iPhoners and then others who live their droids. I like the Galaxy III... Hmm Decisions.
Happy Thanksgiving. Need to avoid overeating during the holiday. My gym is open in the morning. I think I will camp out at the gym to pre-work off Thanksgiving feast.
In a rut with exercise. How long do you spend at the gym? In a rut in general.
@jhstroebel -- Yes journaling does make the difference. I'm getting stuck in a rut, with eating and exercising. I think that is why I'm plateauing. @robthrob69 -- MMA, a little too intesne for me. Ha. Yes, I never use to weight lift, until a few months back. I think weight lifting really helped give me the extra push to…
@chip40 Agreed. I can tell that when I lost weight in my early 20s vs. now my later 20s, it is more difficult. Journaling really does help.
@Magerum: Congrats for losing 158 lbs! Wow. That is an inspiration.
While going back in time sounds appealing, I'm not sure I would. Mistakes, regrets and bad decisions make us who we are. We can only try to learn from them, right?
Weekends are so difficult! Arg. Went out for Indian food for the first time, it was all carbs! Naan and rice and puri oh my!
Good job. I've had a simple weight loss journey. I'm 5'10 and at my heaviest I was 230 lbs. My lowest was 160-165. I gained 30-35 lbs back over two years of not really maintaining. Biggest tips, keep tracking tracking tracking your food consumption. I HATE running, but took jogging/running up and it really helped me. This…
Welcome aboard the coaster of my life.... always need fellow passengers.
I'm ready to get off this roller once and for all!
Does almost 30 count? On a non-weight loss related topic. Does turning 30 seem as scary as it is. My 20's just blew on by and now I feel like, it is all down hill from here! (Being over dramatic.) I've struggled with weight my whole life and I'm determined in my last years of 20s to finally lose the weight I need to get to…
I'm sorry too for putting weight back on. Can't look backward -- only forward.