

  • HI!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry sorry sorry all! It has been crazy for me lately. This past Saturday was homecoming so I have been busy the past two weeks with that getting everything perfected! 4 hour practices! YUCK! Anywho, I am back and I'm sorry I left everyone hanging! lol Managed to lose one pound those two weeks though so I'm…
  • DownSizin - I will definately let you know how it goes! Did my shake for breakfast and lunch so far today. Had my two snacks (light mozarella string cheese & a cup plain popcorn..yum!!) And now I'm ready for a normal dinner. I'm hoping to see the success my mom and aunt have seen with it so far! (7 pounds in two weeks).…
  • Oh yikes! My mom and aunt have been doing it for two weeks now and have both lost 7-9 pounds! I'm going to give it a shot. Finished my breakfast shake and lunch shake, so now a real meal for dinner! woo! ;)
  • I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Things like that are always tough to take in. Give yourself some time. Where is everyone?? It's day three of the week already and hardly anyone has posted! I hope no one is leaving already!! ;) lol Drinking my first HerbaLife shake as we speak! Not sure what I think of it yet! I don't…
  • Awesome!! I'm in! My day two will be tonight hopefully!
  • Hello all! Hope your weekend has been going great, both with life AND dieting. ;) I am starting a thing called HerbaLife tomorrow! Has anyone heard of it? My mom got me started on it actually! She has been on it for 2 weeks and has lost 7 pounds! I am so proud of her. She is feeling fantastic! So I took a trip home this…
  • I'd take 5 pounds over nothing! Have you finished the 30 days then? I tried to read through here but it was hard finding progress because there are so many posts! lol but that's a good thing!
  • Good Morning all! I'm currently eating my healthy breakfast (100% whole wheat toast, 1 tb natural peanut butter, 1 cup skim milk...YUM!!!) and getting ready to go to the football game! woo! So I'm really hoping not to get tempted by TOO many tailgating foods! yikes! I'll get to work on that spread sheet as SOON as I get…
  • I just started my first day on this DVD, so I know it's too late to join this group, but what kind of weight loss have you all been experiencing???
  • Sounds like everyone is doing amazing!!!! I'm so proud of us all. =) Good luck with this next week starting TOMORROW!! woo! it's a chance to continue our success, and a chance to start over if anyone slipped up any last week like we all do! i will be putting the spreadsheet together in the morning and sending it out! i…
  • HAPPY WEIGH IN DAY EVERYONE!!!! I am down 1.5 pounds! WOO! I will take this over ANYTHING considering it's about time i got off that damn plateau!! :wink: I hope everyone is seeing the results they are looking for! Again, I only have had two people tell me they want the spreadsheet sent to them, so if anyone else does let…
  • Good Morning Team!!! =) It's such a dreary day outside, but I'm not going to let that ruin my attitude! I dropped another pound yesterday! So I'm finally almost back to where I was before I got sick! WOO! =) I'll be happy to be down a total of 3 pounds by tomorrow. (1 lb to go). Hopefully my next weeks will be more…
  • Wednesday Totals: 9 cups of water! woo hoo! no exercise =( still not feeling super up to it. i'm going to head to bed early tonight and hopefully can do LOTS of exercise tomorrow! went over my calories by 100, not TOO bad I guess.
  • Hello all! I just finished my first class of the day and managed to drink 2 cups of water during the lecture. Success =) Starting on my 3rd as we speak!! I've been trying to catch up on updating the spreadsheet as I've been sick and wasn't up to doing it! Everyone is doing amazing!! Just remember to report your TOTAL…
  • I feel a LOT better today! Thank you so much everyone for the support!! I really needed to hear that. =) It's hard to keep focused on your goals when you feel so down about it all! I have a great outlook on today though! I had a great low calorie breakfast and am getting started on my water! My goals for today are: 8 cups…
  • Not doing so hot this week you guys. Have gained 1.5 pounds since Friday. I haven't been eating too different but I have been developing a cold..? I don't understand how that could make me gain weight back but something is!! Probably haven't been putting much into exercise as well. Today won't be a good day either for…
  • aabelein - I'm doing the 30 day shred as well! today will only be my 2nd time but i definately sweat a BUNCH! which is good. lol i'm on a plateau too! it is no fun at all. i've just been trying to eat a ton of protein, make sure i drink my water, and doing the dvd as well as i have one-two hours of college competitive…
  • Welcome! You are joining just in time!! =)
  • :smooched: It's the FIRST OFFICIAL *FULL* WEEK FOR TEAM FIT in October!!!! :smooched: Anyone else really excited?!!! Because I know I am!! =) Started a new "topic" for our first official week, so please go to that to record for this week instead of here? Might make it a little easier to read through our teams progress!! =)…
  • I am so glad we are getting so many team members!! This is going to be a great month! =) Good luck to everyone starting tomorrow!! Don't forget to check in daily with workout minutes and water. Weigh in's reported on fridays! SO excited!!!! =) I dont think I did too well yesterday on calories. Had a few drinks with some…
  • That sounds good!! What is your starting weight going to be? =) Glad you are here!
  • Welcome!! So glad to have you on our team!!! =)=) Report workout minutes and cups of water daily. Weigh in's on fridays! =)
  • Good goal! Stopping eating out as much is definately a challenge we all face! What is your weight loss goal for the end of october?
  • GREAT to have you!!! Weigh in on Fridays. 8 glasses of water a day is goal! Report work out minutes and glasses of water daily. =)
  • SO happy to have you moms5boys! Welcome! =) We are reporting our minutes we worked out every day, as well as how many cups of water we had. Weigh in's are on Fridays. I have made a spreadsheet of us all, and if you and anyone else wants it sent to them on Saturdays after weigh in, message me your email address!…
  • aww dang i thought you were going to say you found a low calorie recipe!! =P that is scary. lol
  • Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods OFFICIALLY LOST 3 POUNDS SINCE WEDNESDAY!! woooo. I'm finally breaking that plateau I've had for months! =) SO excited!!
  • =( Being sick sucks. Have you went to the dr yet? Maybe try taking some goooooood cough meds, a nap, and then see if you are up for a light cardio walk after! Just don't push yourself! Get feeling better girl! =)
  • Good attitude! I'm so proud of you already =) Way to to with the walk as well! Yahoooo
  • **WE have 15 MEMBERS so far!! I'm hoping to get a few more before Monday!! JOIN JOIN JOIN!! =)