ScottishGirlXO Member


  • Yeah I am 40 hours a week at a desk!!! Boring, I know! I sometimes go out for lunch and take a walk around the industrial estate. Although, I have stopped this at the moment as there is a snack van across the road and one just at the end of the road. I'm hoping they will move on - snack bars don't last long in this area. I…
  • Hey, I get where your coming from! I told my partner at the end of last year to help me along the way at weekends (my biggest weakness in this dieting malarkey). He didn't really understand at first until I got really emotional over my weight and difficulty of losing weight. He eventually understood when I said I was…
  • Maybe he genuinely is just worried for your safety. Re-assure him that your going to be OK. I think you need to sit down and talk to him, tell him you wont leave him when you reach your fitness goal. You need to re-assure him at all times. Maybe he can go with you a few nights a week? Which will let him know you are safe…
  • Yep :bigsmile: ... Scotland!! Feel free to add, I'm on daily! X
  • You look brilliant! Just by looking at your pictures you look so much happier & healthier. Great job - absolute inspiration. Keep the good work up!!!! :)
  • If your not pregnant, I would go and see your doctor honey. I never got mine for 8 months!!! I left it and left it and was eventually diagnosed with polycystic ovaries syndrome - which results in absent periods. I'm not saying this is your case but it's better to get checked out. I just thought I wasn't getting them any…
  • I would just like to thank you all for your helpful replies. As for the sarcasm - I can deal with that, I find it quite amusing tbh hehe. Best get back to work. Much love honeys :flowerforyou: x
  • Lets get one thing straight - I said thank you for the first decent reply. Sorry...... I forgot that meant I agreed! No honey, they are simply 2 different things. Just because they work for 1 person doesn't mean to say they will work for everyone! I simply wanted information on them. If they are a waste of money, then fine…
  • Excuse me? I am not going to reply to everyone - but I can sure as hell tell you that was a decent reply compared to some other cheeky people. I thought this was about support etc? Just as *****y as facebook! GROW UP.
  • Thank you!!!! The first decent reply. Some people are just damn right rude. Thank you for your help - I really appreciate it :) x
  • If you thought you were expecting something 'totally' different and didn't like my thread - don't comment! Simple as that! Thank you to everyone else for your help :)!
  • Using "its too cold to go out running" is no longer an excuse. I got away with that one for almost a year, because here in Scotland, it's ALWAYS freezing. I decided to stop making up excuses and do something about it. I normally go my run when I finish work which is around 5pm. I do some floor exercises in the house i.e…