Kaileyxoxo Member


  • OMG i tried the frozen bananas, half packet of splenda, with a tablespoon or so of milk and pulsed it in a mini blender, it looked and tasted EXACTLY like soft serve icecream, the wierd thing, im really not a fan of banana flavored anything, but this was the best!
  • hmm maybe if i also throw in some plain greek yogurt it'll pump up the protien for an after workout snack, thanks for the idea... freezing one now
  • wow lots of new choices thanks everyone!
  • ohhh ill have to try these thanks!
  • yes LOVE skinny cow and was thinking about/craving those icecream sandwiches lately yumm
  • ive gone through this, its tough and still go through it ever so often. What has worked for me is going on google and looking up the awful things it can do to your body (on the inside). I know its hard, but binging will only lead to purging, so try your hardest not to, also try writing in a diary and exercise first thing…
  • thanks! ill have to check this out, found out that a shaws carries it close by. I dont drink soda but i do love sparkling water and am always looking for beverages othe than plain water to drink. thanks again :smile:
  • omg anderson cooper... im young so i always thought it was wierd that i was attracted to him but hes SO cute! such a crush on...oops did i just turn this into "hottest news anchors" soorryy! lollol :laugh:
    in Gym Rant Comment by Kaileyxoxo May 2011
  • Well, the good thing is that your thyroid will start working properly, and dont worry, keep logging on here and stay within your calories. You wont gain weight if you eat the same, only if you change your eating habits. If you do start noticing your appetite or ANYTHING change let your doctor know right away, remember your…
  • Dont you love when doctors have NO clue what you are talking about! but no sorry i havent experienced this BUT i did look on google for you, look up "synthroid metallic taste" and you will find many people with the same experience.
  • Yep! I'm also on a low dose of synthroid, started about 5 years ago. I was very skinny but ended up gaining weight on it. Once I started, I gradually "developed" normally, because I was very undeveloped and super skinny. I think it affects every body differently. I must say though, if I don't watch what I eat, its very…
  • ya actually... go to beachbody.com and they will have insanity, and also other workouts like p90x
  • INSANITY is awesome, love it, also tried p90x but i like insanity so much better, my brother is doing it now and he's never had a weight problem or anything, just likes to be fit, and said hes the lightest he's been in a long time
  • i apologize for those who post unnecessary and rude comments, people come on here to feel supported, so a,rude, but anyway..... last year i lost 5-7 pounds and hit my goal weight because for a week and a half i was basically eating jello and small meals because i had surgery in my mouth and I have kept the weight off, im…
  • im also trying to figuure this out! im new to insanity and just started a week or so ago and im scared that i might not have enough energy to do my best if i dont eat right, today i ate half a banana and some almonds. Depending on how i feel tom. morning, i think i might try doing insanity on an empty stomach, this might…
  • k so i have done my fair share, and by that i mean A LOT of dvd workouts. The firm is great if you like dancey/cardio workouts.... jill michaels are usually quick, get in your face and do it, but can be motivational..... P90X is fantastic, very hard but go at your own pace until you build up endurance, plus tony is…
  • going to bump this because im veryy curious on what you guys think
  • NO NOT RAMEN!!! lol i was in your shoes a few years back and wish i was on mfp then! fridge staples... deli turkey, string cheese, chobani yogurt- quick protein meal anytime, milk/almond milk, pantry/closet staples.... oatmeal, cereal (kashi is really yummy and healthy), dried fruit, nuts. Good luck shopping, friend me if…
  • the stomack area is usually all about diet. When I have a good week of eating my waistline is definately thinner and less bloated. Keep doing what your doing, if your diet and excercise plan is on track, no cheating, and still no weight loss, you may have a hormone imbalance, and you may want to check with your doctor…
  • Same here! I was active, teeny tiny (hard for me to gain weight) and that was fine with me. When I started synthroid I gained about 10 pounds in one year. I mean I was so little before, so the weight gain didnt effect me at all, plus I liked having a more womanly body than my little girlish figure. However, I also have…
  • good question, mine isnt so much a meal but i guess it could be... chips and salsa/chips salsa and cheese it can be melted in the microwave or just right out of the bag and jar. HA and i ate this everyday for about a year too lol until i realized what i was actually putting into my body! a bunch of salt fat and carbs.…
  • HA i hate that, not my immediate family but family and friends will be like, oh come on live a little, its like I am!! i wont be if i eat that saturated mess! lol
  • HA! i thought the same thing when I started, I was like well I thought I was in shape, guess not! But believe me it will get better! Im on level 4 now,(I kind of cycle through them, one day level 3, then level 2, then 4, then 3 blah blah and so on) I love seeing the results in my arms, legs and tummy! I don't do the meal…
  • You know, I have come into this problem also, many people associate friends and family get togethers with lots and lots of food. I would treat it like a "special occasion" kind of thing. Portion control is key here and don't feel guilty if you indulge a little. Plus disney will be a blast, have fun, suggest taking walks to…
  • OMG i did level 4 today! I had the intention to keep doing level 3, but my curiosity got the best of me and clicked level 4. I tend to get reallllly bored with doing the same workout and am not the type to follow any kind of program, I just kind of do my own thing. The moves are different and challenging, and are kinda…
  • I'm with you, I lost all my willpower this past winter and am trying to gain it back now. Over the summer I was my ideal weight and then gained some over this winter and am feeling pretty bad about it. What I'm trying to do now is to weigh in again weekly on MONDAY. Hopefully this will get my mind set on the weigh in and…
  • a definate BUMP! looks and sounds amazing
  • haha oh i felt the same way! jillian definately breaks us down to build us up, it feels really good to complete a new move that i couldnt have done before. Your stamina and strength will improve, keep working at it and you will get stronger!
  • I just read what you first wrote, and I realized I gave you recipes and info that you might have already knew or didnt need. For some reason I thought you were asking for help to gain weight... but you were just looking for people in the same boat, so if you didnt want a spew of recipes and healthy weight gain, ignore the…
  • Try adding healthy fats like nuts, avacado, olive oil. You can try this by eating: a full serving of almond or peant butter on whole grain bread. Topping a burger with avacado, salsa and cheese with a whole wheat bun, and cooking stir frys with olive oil and adding chicken and veggies, or omlette with cheese and veggies.…