

  • My son used to be horrible to get to sleep he takes several medications for ADD and Bipolar plus his is Autistic and it used to be anywheres from 11 pm to 1 am. About 3 years ago someone suggested melatonin. That night it took him about 20 minutes afterwards was completely out we use the slow release from Natrol 10 mg and…
  • My job frequently has stuff I shouldn't eat - I just don't eat it. My gym has pizza on tuesdays I don't eat that either. If you are looking at this as a life style change you need to address what make you dread this so you can move forward with the constant food you will be subjected to the rest of your life.
  • I can make a mean salad on 175 cal base is 15, add corn, salsa, green beens, meat of choice - deli or left overs. Cheese I use shredded Parmasan that has 20 calories. Make a giants salad fills you up - I usually have 1or 2 pre-made in fridge for the quick grab when deciding to change plans gran and go.
  • I have never been a breakfast eater almost always skipped it so when I started the diet I knew I needed a little help in this area. I decided to use diet shakes. I put them in the blender with 1/2 bag of fozen fruit it yields a yummy smoothie that takes me about 20 min to finish so I grab and eat while chasing my…
  • Great Job! How have you changed your eating habits and what does you typical workout consist of. I have lost 59lbs in 2 months basically doing the same 800 cal in started easy at gym first 2 weeks then 1200 cal burned 4 times daily not up to 1800 burned daily. Just added Insanity abs 2 wks ago melting waist line. Today did…
  • Buy Lipton Ice the big jugs with handles after enjoying refreshments fill with sand fill equally may need scale to double check. Lift these to start until can make it in to a gym. I have a gym that is $10 a month most areas do or you might be able to access that at your local HS after all that what tax $$$ are for.
  • Depending on where you live I'd recommend you use your health insurance on this one take her to see a nutrionist and one who specializes in this type of diet. To many things are going on in the early teenage body of a young women to play quessing here get sound medical advice. The proper and safe nutrional supplements also…
  • Will be glad to help - What did you eat and how did you excersise today?
  • As a college kid you must be good at math that is basic principal. I am using diet shakes I buy Walmarts tastes good a month worth $45 buys 60 meals for that! In morning I put shake in blender add fruit frozen works best $1 store sells bag I use 1/2 a bag. Blend while brushing teeth ultra quick pour in bottle and run after…
  • I am using diet shakes for breakfast and lunch - though I also eat lunch. I do put in 1/2 a bag of frozen fruit in the blender with the shake. This makes a very yummy smoothy and since its cold you can drink it slower makes brain register that shake was my meal not the juice cup. Freeze grapes for a snack or eat the…
  • I agree you pretty much set your own guidelines here. I'd say if the food you buy have ingrediants you can pronounce its good choice. I buy food with few ingrediants and all words I don't need a dictionary to look up. This doesn't have to cost more because its clean you just have to look harder. I love to to make a base…
  • Ok felt that way before but go through it try not to over try but lets use basic math. Ice Cream is now breakfast buy yourself diet shakes already make in a can, get some frozen fruit my $1 store sells it dump in blender blend for 2-3 minutes. Drink is awesome you drink it slower so brain reads food in!!!! Have another…
  • I have a friend who is "food" addicted emotionally but a truely religious person. She recently did a program online that had a journal, workbook, mentors and etc for spiritual health etc. http://www.settingcaptivesfree.com/resources/book/lords-table This was not for me because I am not religious in the same sense she is…
  • I think those home videos are a scam you dont need them. Move your body in some manner and extra hour a day break up into 4 15 minute groups if have too walk for 15 minutes, go 15 minutes of stretching etc. No need to sprint anything just move our bodys are free resistance . I recently added Insanity to my workout but I…
  • Work Outs don't have to be traditional gym based to count. Use the kids!!!!! 60 minutes of no usual activity a day go to the park walk all around "hunting" for that perfect picnic spot walk quickly and purposefully kids think its a game. I count my calories, but I also portion everything if its over 10 calories. I use…
  • I went to a diet clinic when first looking into this "lifestyle" change $1000 got you 2 diets shakes daily for 6 weeks, 2 diet bars and a 550 calorie dinner pre-packaged daily. Well lets just say Math is my favorite subject $45 buys you months worth of 2 shakes a day at Walmart. The average price for a diet bar when bought…
  • I have my favorite gym workout 1 hour on the eliptical at 10 incline at 100% resistance 2 x s a day now worked up to that 4 to 5 times a week. I do 5 machines 10 sets of 10 on legs and 10 sets of 10 on 5 arm machines 2 x s daily mix up the variety so not the same muscle groups. I wanted to do Insanity but don't need the…
  • I have several good friends who have had the surgery. One almost died during the process was clinical dead twice during the process but did survive it. I am scared to death of having to have to get the surgery on June 17th 2012 I got on a scale was 280lbs the heaviest ever in my life. I had my Thyroid removed in 2007 and…
  • I have been working out at Planet Fitness on an Arc trainer at my local club for 2 months now. I have built up to a full 60 minutes all at once after doing (3) 20 minute sets with a few minutes in between. I do question the work out now though I use a trainer that the highest incline is 10 and the highest resistance is…
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