donnaroo17 Member


  • Makinitcount4- Was very sore last night/ today after Tues work out but took myself down to the gym to do work out b today - kill or cure. It cured the pain but slightly concerned that I will not be able to move tomorrow. I feel the same about my soreness - satisfying!
  • First go last night, I noticed the difference no weight training for 6 weeks makes! I was hoping all the hikes I'd done in the holidays would have helped but it was HARD. Tough very enjoyable, couldn't do the plank with pull as the gym was too busy but going to see what alternatives I can do. Am figuring sooner or later my…
  • Hi, ready to start on Tuesday. Got the book and reading it to get my head around it first, was working with a PT and lost weight gained muscle but when left to my own devices it went a bit down hill! Really looking forward to it ...
  • Hi, My mini june challenge is to skip at least 500 skips a day - I work out at the gym but have an office job that involves me sitting on my butt all day so thought quick skip breaks can only be a good thing!
  • 18 - not bad at all - am happy with this
  • Squat with 70kg! Am soooo proud