New Rules Supercharged



  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Welcome, Donna! One thing I like about Supercharged is that it has taught me more about planning workouts and being a better trainer to myself. You will learn through experience how to make a balanced workout that doesn't kill your hamstrings, or shoulders, or glutes.... As you plan your workouts, throw a few easy exercises in with the intense ones, so you can finish. I'm getting better at designing workouts, but sometimes I still make choices that kill me when I get to the gym.

    On another note, I'm very nervous about the next few months. I decided to do my DNP (doctorate nurse practitioner) program full-time instead of part-time, so I can finish in 3 years. I'm fairly certain that I can balance everything, but time is going to be tight and I'm going to have to stick to a schedule on my days off. I will have to re-adjust my rest week timing, beginning with a 5-day rest next week, because my program is a online/in-person hybrid and we have 3 sets of 2 immersion days each semester, where we're in class all day two days in a row. When I combine that with my three 12-hour work shifts every week, I don't think I'll be able to fit Supercharged in there on immersion weeks. Maybe when it cools down I can fit a quick run in after school. I will definitely fit Supercharged workouts in at least twice a week.

    And on yet another note, my weight has stabilized after a drastic water gain related to bumping my calories up and going off the birth control pills I was taking temporarily. I'm going to hold my calories steady through Hypertrophy and Strength and hopefully slowly recomposition through the end of the year.
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    Yes welcome Donna!!! This is a great place for help.

    Good luck with your program Sunshine!! If you stick to your plan I'm sure it'll work out. And I can imagine how much BSS suck at 2x20!!!

    I haven't lifting this week except for half of BT 1 A then the baby was crying. Ugh!! I've been lazy and my eating has been complete **** too. I've got to make something happen. I want to finish this stage and move on.

    No that I'm saying oh good that you suck too at upper body Cowgirl, but I'm glad I'm not alone.
  • donnaroo17
    donnaroo17 Posts: 6 Member
    First go last night, I noticed the difference no weight training for 6 weeks makes! I was hoping all the hikes I'd done in the holidays would have helped but it was HARD. Tough very enjoyable, couldn't do the plank with pull as the gym was too busy but going to see what alternatives I can do. Am figuring sooner or later my body will remember that it used to do these moves!
    Good luck with all your studying sunshine, it's so hard studying with everything going on but so satisfying once its finished :)
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    My book arrived today! Very much looking forward to joining you all once I've had chance to read it and get my head round it.... next week hopefully! :-)
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    Yep Donna your body will start to remember- how are you feeling now? Any DOMS? I don't workout in the gym so I just use a band to use for plank pull downs. It works pretty good.

    Yay Jo!! Happy reading!!

    I did BT I A on Monday and then on Tuesday a 30 min interval Kettlebell with swing variations and boy oh boy the DOMS last night and this morning in my hammies and abs is CRAZY!! But good!! I love soreness- it makes me feel like a lifted heavy and worked hard.
  • donnaroo17
    donnaroo17 Posts: 6 Member
    Makinitcount4- Was very sore last night/ today after Tues work out but took myself down to the gym to do work out b today - kill or cure. It cured the pain but slightly concerned that I will not be able to move tomorrow.
    I feel the same about my soreness - satisfying!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Ok, so did my first supercharged workout this morning. Think I did it right..... have rushed reading the book a bit.

    It went like this;

    Basic Training 1: A1

    Intervals (I always do these first)
    RAMP (ish)
    Plank - push up position, unstable (one hand out front)
    Swiss ball roll out

    2 x 5 Explosive push ups

    2 x 15 back squats
    2 x 15 reverse push ups (the one where you pull up to a bar from lying on your back - forgot name. MUCH harder than I thought, lol. Did it in 3 lots of 5 reps each time)

    2 x 15 step ups
    2 x 15 shoulder press

    Was quicker than expected. Also, a bit easier. I think that's because I've come pretty much straight off NROLFW stage 7 with only a fortnights break. I didn't up weights and reduced them for the squats due to the higher reps. Was concentrating on form.

    First thoughts are positive but also a bit daunted. Not sure I like choosing my own exercises after being 'told' what to do with NROLFW. But hey, I'm up for the challenge. Are there downloadable worksheets?


  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    I want this book. :sad:
  • badgergrrl
    badgergrrl Posts: 14 Member
    Jo - logs can be downloaded here
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    I have one more of each workout A and B and will be on BTII next week.

    Still don't like BSS!! Lol but I know they are making me stronger.

    Jo- reverse push-ups are hard for me! I am hoping that eventually they will gt easier but I don't know. I can only do like 5 straight legged.

    Get the book Kathleen!!! I like choosing my workouts. I workout at home and so I can do what it's best for that too.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Ok so workout B is hard.... but good.

    It went like this;

    Side plank (unstable base)
    Swiss ball jacknife

    Squat and push press

    Bench press (just because I knew how to do it)

    Reverse offset lunge
    3 point row

    Got all the reps bar 2 on the bench - man I am bad at that. Felt good with the squat push press which is progress, even if it was only 8 reps. Just felt more comfy with the movement. May increase weight next time. Enjoyed this workout though - lots of big moves.

    Hope all the rest of you are doing well.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I've been having a hard time being motivated to lift after my partial rest week last week. I finally figured out that I just don't want to do the high rep workouts in Hypertrophy I and it's making me not want to go to the gym. I decided I'm skipping the final two 2x20 workouts, doing my last 3x12 workout, calling it good and moving on to Hypertrophy II.

    I'm also going to do a "Big Lift PR" workout this Saturday to see if I can bump a few of my 1RM lifts up a few pounds. (185 squats and DLs, and maybe a 105 bench?) Now I feel more excited.

    I am really, really, really looking forward to getting to the Strength workouts, but I am going to stick with the plan for now.
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    Yea, I know what you mean. 20 reps is a lot and to have to go through it twice is mentally tough. Do what will get you in the gym Sunshine!!! Good luck on your PRs!!!

    Jo- workout B looks good!!
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    Starting BT II tomorrow. Ready for different exercises :) and 10 reps will be nice even though ill be doing more sets.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    How is BTII, makin? I love switching stages.

    I got 3 workouts in this week! I had to dial the weights back a bit this week after being off for nearly two weeks. My muscles needed to be reminded of their job.
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    I've only done one workout of it but I like it!! I've been sick this week and still stuffy but i plan on lifitng later. Plus, I fell at the playground and hurt my ankle- it pop. Was sore- but feeling much better just tight.

    Way to go on the 3 lifts!! I have yet to get 3 in a week. That's my goal but I can't seem to make it happen. It won't take much and those strong muscles will say " hey I can do this with more weight :)"
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Great stuff, I'm looking forward to moving on and I've only done 4 workouts lol. They are hard going back to the increased reps again. Plus I seem to have selected some butt kicking exercises LOL. I think I am going to get my iron/ Hb checked again though (I'm often low) and see if I have to supplement again as I am v tired lately. Have been busy also, so it is hard to know.

    Been away for 4 days so no lifting (but plenty of exercise every day!). Day off today as had 4 hrs sleep before travelling back home (hour drive prior to a 5.30am check in - not pretty). Followed by a sleepless flight and arriving home to the house that has been lived in by the 4 males who make up the rest of my family...... ick. So then have spent the day washing, cleaning, tidying, unpacking, cooking etc. Back to normal tomorrow I hope!

  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    Good morning! How are you all doing?

    I took an unmanned break between myself and my baby being sick. Got back at it this week and I'm on track to get 3 in...I need to...get 3 in a week. I have to.

    I think my ex choices for BT II are right on- it has my sweating and feeling quite fatigued when I'm done and experiencing soreness a few days later :)
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member

    I'm starting BT II today - I think I have made (accidentally) my B far harder than my A - we'll see. I have a feeling it is going to be very time consuming... 4 sets of 10? Jeeps!

    Are we supposed to do 1a, 1b, 1a, 1b, 1a, 1b, 1a, 1b? That's dull, lol. Might change it up and go through like we did in stage 7 of NROLFW. Each exercise once, then repeat through the cycle. Will see how it goes.

    Good to see someone back on this thread, was thinking I'd killed it ;-)