New Rules Supercharged



  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I did my first supercharged today.

    It was... planks then sideplanks with row. Box jumps. Goblet squat, standing row, step ups, pushups from bench.

    The 15 reps was murder and my step ups went down from their happy 50lbs/8 reps to body weight. LOL. And yeah, I realize my mistake in stopping pushups to do bench press because I had to go back to a bench for 15!

    OH. And that RAMP is helllllllllacious! I was sweating on the mat! :)

    Fun isn't it? ... and we only have ourselves to blame for designing the torture on this one! :wink:
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    I also did my first Supercharge workout today.

    I did:
    Side planks with elevated bottom leg 30secs
    Planks with pull down ( used resistance band since I don't have a pulley system at home)
    Box jumps on 15" bench
    Goblet squat- really got low to the ground 30#
    Inverted rows- only could squeeze out 12 as these suckers are hard)
    Cross over step ups 15# - totally could feel these working
    Push-ups- in bench and focused on form and I have a tendency to do tricep push-ups vs wide

    Interval was on the treadmill. I love the RAMP- we teach patients this kind of dynamic stretching especially high school athletes and the foam roll is awesome too :)

    I feel good about my choices!! It was a great workout! Looking forward to B
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I can't do box jumps. I'm going to have to find something to sub out.

    I'm still reading the book and I still have 4 more Stage 7 workouts to finish. I'm following you all here though! Great insights and info, thank you all!
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    I can't do box jumps. I'm going to have to find something to sub out.

    I'm still reading the book and I still have 4 more Stage 7 workouts to finish. I'm following you all here though! Great insights and info, thank you all!

    Why can't you do box jumps Sue? Did you find something to take the place of it?
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sue, can you do squat jumps? I find those more challenging than box jumps. I'm sure you'll figure something out. You're a pro by now :)

    Makin', that looks like a great Stage 1. You are one strong lady doing the side planks with reduced support. I'm just now able to do those.

    I lifted today and I may lift tomorrow. Otherwise I may not get another session in this week.
  • SweetPea482
    SweetPea482 Posts: 155 Member
    i had to giggle at the 'we only have ourselves to blame for designing the torture".... i was telling a friend after my first Basic 3 workout, that it really kicked my butt... then i thought for a moment... 'well, i guess im the one that put it together, so in theroy, i just kicked my own butt"

    yes. yes we do. and its AWESOME.

    welcome to the couple new ones... i agree fully with the other ladies.. do NR4W first, before supercharged. you need ot get a good idea of the movements, and understanding what everything is and what it does... then it makes designing your own workout a LOT easier.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I have no "spring" and I have no balance - I broke my ankle last year and since that time I've had serious single leg balance issues. Box jumps scare the crap out of me.

    Cowgirl, I"ll take a look at squat jumps - if they don't involve jumping up onto a platform, I'll give 'em a shot.

    ETA: I just looked up squat jumps - I can do those I'm sure and with weights.
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    Cowgirl- thanks!! Planks is one thing I actually think I'm strong at- did tem regularly throughout my pregnant since I knew I was having a repeat csection.

    Squats are a great idea too for an alternative. I like the jump squats with some weight with them.

    I've consider doing back to back lifitng days because it seems as the week comes to an end, I don't always get the third one in. But haven't send it yet. But that's something I just may do to make sure I get them in.

    I feel like my BT1B is way simpler then my A. I repeated the core work from A so :
    Side plank with reduced support
    Pank w/ pull down
    SB hip extension ( with 22#)
    Reverse lunge with sh. Press ( this is a great one I enjoy)
    Bench press
    Kneeling pull down

    But I guess it's nice to have a somewhat easie one to offset A.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    So glad I decided to read this thread.... Supercharged it is!! Sounds like a challenge for sure. Will be back when I have the book and have finished stage 7! xxx
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    Oops, forgot split squat also.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Jo, glad we could convince you!

    makin, I always have one workout that I feel like is "easier". But they always make me sore, so I guess it still has the same effect.

    Only one more A & B workout each of Hypertrophy I and then it's on to Hypertrophy II. Today was 4 sets of 6 reps of BSS, DB Shoulder Press, Back Squats, and Inverted Rows. I've gone from 50 to 60 lbs on the BSS(these always leave me SORE) and 135 to 155 on the squats. Inverted rows went from doing them with my knees bent to doing them with my legs straight- all four sets. However, I tweaked something in my shoulder/neck on my warm-up set of shoulder presses so I wasn't able to up the weights today. It was weird. I maxed out at 25lbs for NROL4W and that's where I'm still at for these. Frustrating.

    I finished up with 2 sets of 8 reps of 155lb hip thrusts just because. My glutes feel like jello- and not because they're covered in fat, LOL.
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    Cowgirl- I guess I do get a little soreness from the easier workout but I really don't get sore in general anymore. It makes me wonder if I'm lifitng what I should be but that being said I do feel I'm working out- squeaking out the last few reps of stuff and dripping sweat like a crazy lady!

    And since I work out at home and don't have a squat rack or anything my progression of certain exercises are limited. I don't want to go to the gym and often wonder if my results will be hindered because of it. I don't think I have room for a squat rack either :(
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    Hey ladies :drinker: I completed my 4B workout of Basic Training 1 this morning, and I am really loving Supercharged, I did NROL4W last year (before I had to quit my gym), rejoined a gym a few months ago and started Stronglifts - which I couldn't get on with! The shift back to 15 reps has been really difficult, but I am enjoying it SO much.

    Going "back" away from back squats and regular dead lifts has actually been really nice, and my squat form is improving a lot.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Ah so I'm into the workout part of the book now and understanding this all much better. So do you "supercharge"? Dang some of those sound like they would be total killers though I have to tell you that I never rest between exercises in supersets. My trainer started me out that way - he said the whole point of a superset is to keep going!

    I have 2 more NROL4W Stage 7 workouts left.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Cowgirl- I guess I do get a little soreness from the easier workout but I really don't get sore in general anymore. It makes me wonder if I'm lifitng what I should be but that being said I do feel I'm working out- squeaking out the last few reps of stuff and dripping sweat like a crazy lady!

    And since I work out at home and don't have a squat rack or anything my progression of certain exercises are limited. I don't want to go to the gym and often wonder if my results will be hindered because of it. I don't think I have room for a squat rack either :(

    I did all of NROL4W Stage 1 from home. I decided to join a local gym because I wanted to be sure my form was on and because I really didn't have room to do some of the more complex moves of the next stages. If you have heavy enough DBs and/or plates, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to make progress.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Ah so I'm into the workout part of the book now and understanding this all much better. So do you "supercharge"? Dang some of those sound like they would be total killers though I have to tell you that I never rest between exercises in supersets. My trainer started me out that way - he said the whole point of a superset is to keep going!

    I have 2 more NROL4W Stage 7 workouts left.

    I "supercharge" on some of the exercises -- especially the ones that we already did a million times in NROLFW. I actually tried to switch things up a lot in Basic Training and I avoided regular squats and deadlifts in favor of some of the lower-level moves.

    I will use regular deadlifts and back squats all the way through in Hypertrophy and Strength, though, as I want to make some big gains on those. I'm also going to focus more on my bench press, so I'll keep that in every stage, too.

    I've had fun switching things up and trying different versions of the old exercises. I definitely think Supercharged is more fun, and more challenging.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Welcome, Pooky!

    Makin, if you're finding the moves challenging, you'll get results I am sure. I wish many days that I could workout at home.

    Sue, I try too. But they are very challenging!

    I was really hoping to finish Hypertrophy I this week, but it's not meant to be apparently. Sick kiddos have ruined my plans.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    Ah so I'm into the workout part of the book now and understanding this all much better. So do you "supercharge"? Dang some of those sound like they would be total killers though I have to tell you that I never rest between exercises in supersets. My trainer started me out that way - he said the whole point of a superset is to keep going!

    I have 2 more NROL4W Stage 7 workouts left.

    I "supercharge" on some of the exercises -- especially the ones that we already did a million times in NROLFW. I actually tried to switch things up a lot in Basic Training and I avoided regular squats and deadlifts in favor of some of the lower-level moves.

    I will use regular deadlifts and back squats all the way through in Hypertrophy and Strength, though, as I want to make some big gains on those. I'm also going to focus more on my bench press, so I'll keep that in every stage, too.

    I've had fun switching things up and trying different versions of the old exercises. I definitely think Supercharged is more fun, and more challenging.

    I'm on Basic Training 1 and doing a mix of the Level 1 & 2 exercises at the moment. Like Sunshine I'm enjoying doing different versions and "simpler" lifts, looking forward to getting to the Hypertrophy and Strength stages, but enjoying getting there too :laugh:

    I have yet to "supercharge" maybe another day...........
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I supercharged my basic training workout yesterday and am now supersore. :(

    I have to really FIGHT to keep my hips down in those plank-pulldowns. One side likes to rise up and have me off keel!
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    I have yet to supercharge too.

    I was reconsidering my workout B but I did it a second time the other day and had DOMS the next day so it must be working, so I am not changing it.

    FunBun - I think that is a normal tendency during plank variations. I have to remember to keep mine down too.

    Cowgirl- hope you kids are feeling better!! And you get hypertrophy finished soon!!

    Sunshine- I'm glad to hear that you think Supercharged is more fun ( and challenging) because for me that means less of a chance of becoming bored I really like I can pick my own exercises- I wasn't sure if I really would. I sometimes like it when it's all laid out there for me.

    Thanks Sue! I figured I can do modifications or change up my exercise or check you tube for variations to keep challenging myself to be able to continue at home. Of course, I want to be strong but i don't have DL or squats PR goals so that really isn't a focus for me.

    Pooky- I actually like the BT stages and not sure about the Hypertrohy and Strength because of my limited weight options at home and my grip tends to lack with heavier weight with the lower reps. Although, I'm sure ill get burnt out on 15 reps and will appreciate the lower reps.

    BT 1A tonight for the 3rd time. I plan on doing each 6x though.

    Happy Monday :)