New Rules Supercharged



  • heatheralia
    heatheralia Posts: 79 Member
    Jo -

    I understood it to be that way; but I only did 3 sets of 10 instead of 4 sets.
    I started Hypertrophy II last week and am enjoying it so far. I think I am finally doing a better job picking the right combination of lifts for me to keep it both challenging and interesting. I am trying the sumo deadlifts for first time and wish I had tried them sooner. Hope you enjoy Basic Training 2!!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Oh geez, I've been doing 1 set through and repeating. I've only managed 3 sets though- more of a time constraint with a lil who doesn't sleep.

    And my B is also harder then A in BTII, but that's okay. And I've decided that as long as I'm doing it twice a week I'm Okay with that, I have yet to get in 3x. And I hate setting myself up for failure, you know.

    I need to YouTube sumo dead lifts because I want to do them but they feel awkward to me.
  • heatheralia
    heatheralia Posts: 79 Member
    Makinit -

    I am 5' 10", so maybe that is why I like the sumo dead lifts so much. I am all legs! I think I read something in the description that said they are more comfortable for those that are long-legged than those that have a longer torso. My only worry is that I am going to put the weights down on top of my toes if my feet are a bit too far out!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I have not tried the sumo DL. To be honest, I quite like the regular DL except that I tend to have my feet slightly wider than shown in the book. That's just what works for me. I'm concentrating on lifting heavier for DLs as I like the bigger weights, rather than changing the style. Happy to change up the rest though. I'm backing off of back squats for basic training purely because my knee was a bit dodgy after BT1. So am swapping for goblet squats and concentrating on form for BT2. I also have offset squat and one arm press, plus Romanian DLs and single leg DLs and the supine extension things (swiss ball) so there is plenty of leg action happening lol. Tired just thinking about it ;-)
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Hey ladies! Sounds like you've all been busy.
    I like the Sumo DLs too. I found they forced me to lift with my legs and minimized the tendency to use my back. I also like the Wide grip DLs.
    Hypertrophy III is fun. My A workout is more intense than B. The complexes are really kicking my butt, but I guess that's the point.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Did workout 2B of Hypertrophy III today. 4 sets of 5. I kept my squat weight down to 135lbs and focused on getting low and keeping my form correct. I think I tend to be sloppy with squats.

    Does anyone else find that the Swiss ball roll outs are hard on their back? I think my core is weaker than I realized.
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Heather- good point...I'm a shortie so I feel like I can't do them with proper form. Maybe I could do them on a riser??

    Jo- yes, you do have a lot of legs going on!! Nice! I'm definitely stronger in my legs then UB- I'm weaker I think I should've be.

    Cowgirl- the only time by back gets sore with stuff like that is I'm being less aware of keeping my core tight during, which is super easy to do.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    The swiss ball roll outs are WAY harder than I expected them to be. I don't think I feel it in my back though.... but then I don't roll out very far, lol
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I think the roll-outs are a form issue. I think I will keep doing as many as I can on my toes and then switch to my knees when my form gets sloppy.
    Workout 3A of HIII is done. I love this workout- it's pretty intense. I added 2X10 of hip thrusts to the end. I think it's safe to say that with the DLs, BSS, and hip thrusts my glutes and hams are going to hurt tomorrow.

    Off topic, the Bikini figure competitor at my gym was telling me her bulking story today. I plan to do a bulk sometime, but I get nervous thinking about it.. On one hand, her body looks perfect to me(and she's a pear shape like myself) and she wouldn't have the muscle she has if she had not bulked. On the other hand she bulked for a full year and told me how miserable she felt gaining weight. I feel like I'm going to get to my goal weight and realize that I can't look like I want to look without adding some muscle, but I hate the thought of adding weight and cutting again.
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    It's so hard to keep your goal in mind, especially when that means gaining weight. It's hard to wrap your mind around it I think. I wonder if she felt miserable because the number of the scale or if overall it made her miserable because she actually had physical changes like clothes too tight, etc?

    I find that even though I enjoy lifting I'm having a hard time sticking with it because I have at least 15 I really want off ASAP- could stand to lose more then that though. I'm not seeing any losses as in inches since I've been lifting more consistently 2x a week for the past 3 months or so. ( Well i had a missed week or so because of sick kids) I'm frustrated. It's hard. I'm too scale focused. But my clothes aren't getting looser either. My diet isn't new perfect but it isn't horrible. It will never be perfect- I'm not that committed! LoL

    Hope your lower body isn't too sore today Cowgirl!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    With you on that, I can not jump on board the bulking bandwagon, no matter how much I reason with myself. It just goes against everything I have worked for thus far..... I'm not saying it's the wrong thing to do, but mentally, it's a struggle.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    This is the article that keeps me motivated to bulk someday :

    I will never compete, but I love the way she looks after she did her second bulk (obviously I would never get my BF% as low as she does for competing).

    Did A4 today. My A workout wears my arms and glutes out.
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Still working on BT II - I am much more consistent with two a week. I'm hoping that once I can get my macros right and consistent also, Ill see some good inches come off. My goal with lifitng is to be strong but I really don't care about PRs and that sort of thing so changing my body is my main goal. Maybe one day it will happen.

    How's everyone else doing?
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    After several weeks of inconsistency due to school and then traveling, I'm ready to get back in the gym today. I have three more workouts in Hypertrophy II. I'm going to cut my calories a bit and clean up my diet in between now and Thanksgiving, then I'll increase again during the holidays to coincide with Strength.

    I think that I'll definitely be able to hit 205 with my DL before the end of the year, but I'm not sure about breaking 200 with my squats. I'm definitely looking forward to the Strength phase.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sunshine, that's incredible! Love those numbers. I seem to hold steady at BW + 5-10lbs on my DLs and BW for my squats. I am hoping to cut another 6 weeks then go back to maintenance through the Holidays and most of Strength. I may finish Hypertrophy and repeat BT I until Thanksgiving. I really want to take advantage of strength, but I won't be ready to increase cals yet.

    Makin', I'm finding that the aesthetics and PRs don't always go hand in hand. However, even when I don't lose much weight my body continues to change as long as my lifting is consistent.

    Only 5 workouts left in Hypertrophy!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Yes, Sunshine, awesome numbers for sure!!! How did the first workout back go??

    You and Cowgirl are amazingly strong and its such awesomeness!!

    and Im hoping that after a yr of consistent lifting, Ill see great body changes like you guys have!!!

    Will lift tonight or tomrrow morning and then one more time most likely on saturday. Im trying my best to eat at a deficit now through turkey day and then enjoy the holidays and vacation at the end of the year.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Got B4 of Hypertrophy III done today. I feel like the 3 sets of 10 go too quickly. I was in a hurry today, so I didn't mind, but sometimes I feel like I'm not pushing myself on the higher reps. It's like I get winded before I actually fatigue my muscles. Think I need to slow it down.

    Did you get you lifting in, makin?
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Yes, I did get my lift in Thursday and ill lift again tomorrow. I agree, 3-4 sets of 10 reps does go really quick- even with 1min rests. But I don't mind either because normally I'm trying to get a workout in while lil one is napping. I had to learn to really up my weight even for 10 reps.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I finished BT2 Thurs.... am on placement now so not sure when I'll get to stage 3. Not long, but prob not in the coming week. Which is probably a good thing as my elbow was playing up (again) and I've just had Implanon put in the other arm so that's all bruised and swollen, lol. Two crappy arms are not effective for a NROL workout LOL. Will keep busy. Looking forward to BT3.... and onwards!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Oh Jo- hope your elbow is getting some rest and symptoms are going down. I've seen a you tube video on the pat implanon and I don't like it one bit! I bet it was tender for quite some time.

    I've done each workout 4x now and will go two more times through each before going onto BTIII. It's taking me a while to get through it. Idk what my deal is- I think I get fed up with the scale and automatically think I've got to do hard intense cardio for an hr or whatever but besides a few mile run a few times a week (30 mins) I don't want to run forever, you know. I just don't have time anymore right now.

    I wish I could only rely on inches but that isn't working in my favor either. Oh the frustration.