New Rules Supercharged



  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Some of the Supercharged variations are really hard. I'm using them for Hypertrophy II.

    I did the last workout of Hypertrophy I on Friday. So I lifted twice in a 24 hour period, but I needed to just get it done with. 2X20 reps and it was a great quick workout.

    Hypertrophy II:
    Plank variation (probably feet elevated or reduced support)
    Swissball mountain climbers (these are really giving me a GREAT full body workout)

    Back squat
    Inverted rows(hoping with the lower reps I can do them all with my legs straight)
    Suspended split squat
    DB bench press

    Workout B:
    Side plank variations
    Swiss ball jackknife/pike

    Wide grip DL from box(was going to keep regular DLs, but I'm hoping this will increase my ROM)
    3-point row
    Pistol squats(I won't be progressing much for these- mainly just learning to do them)
    Push-ups with feet elevated

    Now if I can force myself to get out of this crazy hormonal mode I'm in and get myself to the gym......
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I forced myself. I like workout A, Definitely challenging. The suspended split squat is scary.
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    Great job forcing yourself :)

    Love that you are doing SB mountain climbers!! And why in the hell are inverted rows so damn hard??? I'm doing them in my workout A right now. I'm suppose to do 15- but haven't been able to squeeze out more them 12 or I feel like I start cheating and my damn legs are bent. I want them to get easier. NOW!

    And you are right, suspended split squat sounds scary!!! I'm sure this isn't one Ill be able to try at home and not sure i want to. Lol

    That's a good idea about the supercharged variations. Did your body feel okay doing 2 workouts in 24hrs?
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I have my Hypertrophy I workout ready to go. This is what I'll be doing:

    Cable Tall Kneeling Static Hold
    Mountain Climbers
    Offset Loaded Step-up
    Push-up Progressions (T, explosive, regular depending on reps)
    Lat Pulldown
    Complex: Barbell Forward Lunge/Back Squat/Barbell Rear Lunge
    Side Plank Progression
    Plank & Pull-down (these are killer every time I do them -- can't figure out how they could be Level 1!)
    Bulgarian Split Squat
    Bench Press
    Back Squat
    TRX Row
    Complex: Deadlift/Clean/Overhead Press/Front Squat

    I did an easy interval run this morning. I'm going to experiment with a fasted morning run and afternoon weights for this stage and see how that works for me, instead of combining cardio with my lifting.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Looks killer, Sunshine! I know those pull downs are just ridiculous!

    Makin, I cannot figure out why the inverted rows are so hard either. I've gone from doing 5 to a set of 8. That's it, then I have to bend my knees. I keep telling myself they're prepping me for pull-ups. At this rate I will never be able to do one. I was really sore over the weekend from the back-to-back sessions. I won't do that again unless I have to.

    Workout B1 is done. I like it. The pistol squats were with a 5lb KB and just parallel, lol. Guess I've got to start somewhere!
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    What's your goal with the fasted morning run vs cardio w/ lifting? Im still trying to figure out the right balance for me to lose fat. But a lot of that is I need to get my damn eating in check.

    I haven't attempted INver. Rows with my legs straight...I figure I can do a few but just haven't because I'm trying to get to 15 with my knees bent. I wonder if Ill eventually be able to so a pull up after all these? Can you do a pull up Cowgirl?

    I have also decided that my easier workout b isn't so essy...I've upped weights and progressed a move so now I'm good with it.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I'm trying to lose fat without dropping my calories or compromising my strength gains.

    Also, it helps me wake up and think a little clearer so I can start homework earlier. I work 12 hour shifts and get home at 10:15 pm or so on MWF and then I do homework T/Th/S because I'm doing a near-full-time doctoral program. This way, I can get up and walk my daughter to school, get in a quick fasted run, wear my naughty dog out and then come home and drink coffee, eat breakfast and hit the books. Kills multiple birds with one stone!

    I used to do a 1 mile warm-up run before my Supercharged workout at the gym, so I'm just moving (plus 10 minutes) to earlier in the day. I hope that if I run fasted in the morning, I will lose some body fat, then refuel throughout the day so my strength training isn't compromised. We'll see.

    It would be easier if I could work out 6 days a week, but it just doesn't work with my schedule.
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    Wow!! You are a busy lady!!! I've done the whole working full time, being a mom and working on a full time program too and it's exhausting!!! Glad I did it but I don't know if I would do again! I applaud you on your commitments.

    Your plans seems to make sense to me. I wish I could do an early run and later workout but I'm just not interested enough to get up earlier to get it done. I hope it works out for you :)
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I'm on basic training 2 now, and I... am so tired. :(
    It's only my first workout, but boy, that increase in sets killed me. I did the 4 sets of everything, which ... I think I may have missed something, like, with single leg exercises, are we counting the sets as both legs worked? 'Cause I did 80 lunges tonight, not counting the RAMP ones and I am pretty sure I am going to be regretting this tomorrow. :(
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I'm on basic training 2 now, and I... am so tired. :(
    It's only my first workout, but boy, that increase in sets killed me. I did the 4 sets of everything, which ... I think I may have missed something, like, with single leg exercises, are we counting the sets as both legs worked? 'Cause I did 80 lunges tonight, not counting the RAMP ones and I am pretty sure I am going to be regretting this tomorrow. :(

    I found the whole Basic Training phase to be the equivalent of Stage 7 on steroids that just goes on forever.

    My glutes/hams/quads are still so sore today that I'm dreading the first 10 minutes of my workout this afternoon. LOL
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    I'm on basic training 2 now, and I... am so tired. :(
    It's only my first workout, but boy, that increase in sets killed me. I did the 4 sets of everything, which ... I think I may have missed something, like, with single leg exercises, are we counting the sets as both legs worked? 'Cause I did 80 lunges tonight, not counting the RAMP ones and I am pretty sure I am going to be regretting this tomorrow. :(

    I found the whole Basic Training phase to be the equivalent of Stage 7 on steroids that just goes on forever.

    My glutes/hams/quads are still so sore today that I'm dreading the first 10 minutes of my workout this afternoon. LOL

    Super!!! Sounds scary!!!
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Phew, Sunshine, I'm glad someone else finds it pretty crazy. I typically try to do something on my rest days, but today I did nothing and ate everything. It's for recovery, I swear! ;)
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    How's everyone doing?? It's Wednesday and I haven't lifting since last Wednesday or Thursday. I've worked out just haven't lifted. I will get two in this week though- I have too. It's what I've been averaging anyway. Do any of you only get in two a week?
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I sometimes only get 2 in a week. I still see progress.
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    I sometimes only get 2 in a week. I still see progress.

    Oh good!!! I was getting a little discouraged because I feel like I'm not getting anywhere but I'm not quitting!!!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I haven't lifted since last Saturday. I will lift today even if I need to skip something else to do it.

    Makin, 2-3 times a week is the norm. I've gone through periods of only lifting twice a week and I still had great results.
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    I've done 4 rounds of each BT I A and B but will do 2 more of each just because.

    Today was B- I thought this was my easier workout but I changed my mind. I really dislike BSS but because they suck every time I do them, I will keep doing them. I did 45# of 15 reps. I could only squeaked out 12 reps of my bench press Of 60# so I feel like that's nothing but my arms are jello now. Same with reverse lunge w/ sh. Press. Suppose to do 5-8 reps- could only do 5 ( actually 10 cuz I'm doing 5 on each leg- is that right??) of 44# ( 22# each hand) Well I've done it this way since day 1 so that's how ill continue. I need to up my weight in RDL and kneeling lat pull downs, I use resistance bands so not much room for advancement there.

    Besides a few exercises progressing with strength, I'm not seeing any other changes in regards to inches or BF. maybe by time BT stage is completely over.

    I rarely get 3x if lifitng in but I'm hoping to change that. 2 is much more doable but if I want results then I've got to put in the time :)
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Yep, always do the number of reps for *each* leg or arm. It stinks when you're doing high reps. Feels like it will never end. I have come to really like the BSS, but 15 reps with 45lbs is no joke. Upper body work is my weakness. I hate most of it. And to answer your question from earlier, I can't do a pull-up yet. I really don't feel like I'm progressing on the inverted rows either. They still kill me.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I find that I increase my weights much more slowly now, too. I think when we started NROLFW and progressed through the stages, we experienced a lot of "newbie gains." Once you get through the first 6 months or so of any lifting program, the strength gains come much slower, especially when you eat at a deficit or at maintenance.

    I really want to drop my calories because of the dang scale, but I keep telling myself that I won't make strength gains if I eat less than maintenance. It's hard for me to hang in there at maintenance calories.

    I'm liking Hypertrophy, but I'm really happy to see the 4x6s again tomorrow. Those 2x20s sucked! Especially the Bulgarian Split Squats -- even at body weight, 20 reps on each leg is killer.
  • donnaroo17
    donnaroo17 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, ready to start on Tuesday. Got the book and reading it to get my head around it first, was working with a PT and lost weight gained muscle but when left to my own devices it went a bit down hill!
    Really looking forward to it ...