bigapplepie Member


  • Consider how long it took you to gain the weight. Then set a realistic goal of 1 pound a week. That's conservative enough to account for those plateaus you will hit. I was also 200 pounds and gave myself 2 years to lose 50. As it happened I lost it in 18 months. Whatever happens, don't starve yourself and don't be afraid…
  • I used this program to help train my sister for a 5K. Since then I've recommended it to a lot of people. It's a great program and really works.
  • In a well-known long-term study conducted at Stanford University, researchers tracked nearly 1,000 runners (active members of a running club) and nonrunners (healthy adults who didn't have an intensive exercise regimen) for 21 years. None of the participants had arthritis when the study began, but many of them developed…
  • Don't feel self-conscious, I've been there myself. Everyone is rooting for you ( a few a******s excepted). Use the couch to 5K program people have been mentioning: I've been running about 7 years. On average I've been running about 30-35 mpw. I've run 6 sub-4 hour marathons…
  • Fantastic! Now go register for a 5K.
  • I lost 40 pounds in a year, eating clean and working out 6 times a week. A George Foreman grill was my friend. Always treat yourself 2 or 3 times a week but don't go overboard.
  • Congratulations on losing 10 pounds. Can you tell us more about your eating and exercise habits since you began?