Hollander001 Member


  • Maybe swimming and I found this information on that topic: Swim Options If your ankle is still significantly swollen, it's not ready for any activity. You can swim recreationally, but not for a workout. If your ankle is recovering and your doctor allows minimal activity, use a pull buoy to support your legs and use your…
  • Just reply by saying, well those roots look better than your toenails you might want to consider eating these instead. You can always say I just eat veggies because I love myself it's time for you to look in the mirror and see what I see.
  • Im going to try since I love banana's and peanut butter, this will be today's lunch..haha
  • Welcome and you will be surprised how much you can accomplish.
  • I had the same problem, but I put myself in this stage of mind that every time I wanted to eat something bad I ask myself does my body really need this kind of food, which is no. Also I looked for a motivation and in my case was to be healthy for my family so I have the energy to keep up with the kids. You have the will…
  • 6. 4 and 281 when I started a few weeks ago, currently 273 in the same boat. We can do it.
  • That embarrassment is exactly what you need to get motivated, unfortunately it takes certain situation to trigger your future success. I was shocked when I stood on the scale for the first time but it leads to motivation we all need.