roduk Member


  • id say lifting heavy is based on a weight that you can lift for 1 repetition (1 rep max). anything above say 75% of your 1 rep max for instance could be deemed as lifting heavy. someones heavy set will be based around their 1 rep max and may look like this: 5 sets of five reps at 75% of their 1 rep max. Its not based on…
  • im on a cut i weight train 80 % 1 rmax, i weight train 5 days a week on my rest days i do light cardio. 30- 45 minutes 135-150 bpm on the bike, i sometimes do cardio on same day as weight training. im still getting stronger, my bodyfat is getting less my weight hasnt changed much which is a good thing, i was about 17% body…
  • ive done p90x and insanity. i also have p90 for my gfriend. you say youre out of shape. if thats so then id steer clear of p90x for a bit, it includes alot of strength exercises for a home video. there are alot of pull-ups and the program ramps up quite quickly so unless you can alrady bang out five deadhang overhand…
  • feckers like that give guys a bad name especially when it comes to the gym, report them.
  • do you know which protein shake you are after. you have whey protein which tends to act faster, gets absorbed faster, good for post weights based exercise. Or a protein blend, which contains whey, casein, and or egg and even soy proteins. this is a time released specific blend, it will keep yo fuller for longer and protein…
  • add me. i track everyday :) open diary, im not going to break any records losing weight though. Im trying to recomp.
  • harder to lose much, easier to put on!
  • Two weeks between them is too long IMO. if the paralympics was on before the Olympics it would be a good warm up act and get interest building toward the Olympics. Unfortunately i think it would be impossible to run them both side by side. After the closing ceremony of the Olympics alot of people just foregt about the…
  • ^^^ this^^^ but also cankles can be a product of fluid retention, drink plenty, limit sodium intake. when sitting keep legs elevated as much as possible and improve you circulation to help blood flow. i have heard of stripping but thats something i dont know much about.
  • What affect are you trying to achieve? If you want to see your abs you have to lose body fat. All the sit ups in the world wont make a difference if your bodyfat % is too high. You cant target body sites for fat loss. eat well and your abs will start to appear :). i think youd be better off steering clear of an ab…
    in Ab Toner Comment by roduk August 2012