roduk Member


  • If you have a good level of fitness go for it, if not do p90 first this will give u a base physique.
  • You lose fat off different parts of your body at different rates. You can't target fat loss on a specific area unfortunately. The best thing to do is keep losing weight and it will flatten out. I had the same thing not so so long ago. I had an even belt of fat around my waist that just looked like I lacked Defintion, then…
  • Blueberries fresh or frozen Banana Softened Oats Ice cream Yogurt Mixed seeds
  • Protein based smoothie first thing around 6 am, it's icy cold and wakes me up.
  • Yep always take my vitamins, currently take: Animal pak Fish oil 1000 mg EPA
  • Allmax hexapro, decedent chocolate flavour
  • A wk old I know but this group is pretty quiet. I personally think its better to push out when doing overhead press, I have two lower discs that are knackered and this works by building pressure around the waist for extra support. I also squeeze my glutes in to support lower back. I too wear a belt due to the condition of…
  • Holy smoke batman that's an amazing transformation, well done!
  • as said already the warning is telling you your hr is too high for the fat burning or cardio zone, although for your age the fat burning zone seems to be set a little too high. my fat burning zone is around 135-155 bpm and im 31, so more likely to be your cardio zone. your body burns fat first to do everyday tasks, ramp up…
  • IMO dont bother, those cellulite belts went out of fashion and these fad machines will probably too. Ive tried one and hated it. does the science behind it work ive no idea, but it gave me blurred vision and a headache. theres 3 in my gym and no one bothers with them. if they worked we'd all be queuing up for our 5 minutes.
  • Teens?! its the older ones you gotta watch out for!
  • technically you are supposed to eat back your calories burnt by exercise. MFP takes deducts your daily calorie amount from your activity level you selected and the amount of weight you plan to lose each week. I always made the mistake of thinking well i train every day so i must be really active, dont do this. choose what…
  • uk
    in US v UK Comment by roduk August 2012
  • you seem to suggest that you arent overtraining your arms so maybe you arent giving them what they need. drop the weight and go really slow , so id 2 secs up 4 secs down. try angle prone db curls to isolate the bicep and stop any swing which will use other muscles to aid the movement. lie frontward on a 45% angle bench and…
  • is it bad etiquette to film them? :).... personally let them get on with it.
  • I absolutely love fast food, KFC, mcds, bks, pizza, you name it I love it. But I assure you that when you've completed a week eating healthy foods, tracking towards your goal, you'll feel far less likely to want to put junk in your body. That being said have one cheat day a week where you allow yourself a treat. Boosting…
  • it depends how much you'll use them. if it means not taking up a gym membership then yeah they could be worth it. great for p90x :)
  • you could try joining a Crossfit gym, you'll learn how to do Olympic lifts, it may be safer than trying it by yourself
  • i cant wear cotton tshirts i can wring the sweat out of them.
  • fats arent your enemy and have 9 cals per gram as opposed to 4 cals per gram for carbs and protein. increase your Healthy fat intake and you'll hit your 2000 cals per day alot easier. foods like avocado, natural peanut butter, almonds etc. are high in good fats.
  • Maximuscle is an ok product but tastes and mixes like sh$%. Sci-mx is absolutely gross it doesnt mix at all, avoid at all costs. PHD tastes great mixes good. Just because you're in the UK doesn't mean you cant get American brands. try Amazon. American brands tend to do things better but as you already know its a minefield.…
  • burgers and fries, Chinese, Indian, Japanese. homemade pizza. Just about anything loaded with fat and carbs. < this has got to stop!
  • this sounds great! ive been putting kale in my juicer but havent ventured down the smoothie route yet.
    in smoothie Comment by roduk August 2012
  • do a kettlebell class it will motivate you more, more sociable, and you'll have a routine to follow ie the instructor, going to the weights room you may get lost in all the weights, reps sets. kettlebells are great for strength and conditioning. if you want to build huge muscle which i doubt you do then that can only…
  • different exercises demand different approaches but you cant go wrong with the 3 sets of 10 reps. you should be really struggling on the last few of each set. once you can do all 10 reps for 3 sets up the weight by say 5lbs the next workout. you need progression to stimulate muscle growth. what i was getting at earlier was…
  • people in bodypump class lifting 10lb barbells for an hour are not lifting heavy!
  • If you haven't done much lifting then you'll probably see gains in both muscle, weight, whilst losing fat, the enigma, when first starting out. if you have been lifting for a while then you'll probably know its virtually impossible to lose fat and gain muscle without steroids. what id say is get a good strength and…
  • whats your goal? for cardio and getting cut id go insanity, for a more beach body appearance go p90x, you'll lose weight also but will definitely build muscle in back shoulder and chest with p90x. P90x if you really push it and follow it to the letter its far more taxing on the body and much tougher to complete the…