

  • I ordered P90X yesterday in hopes that it would make in time for me to start with you guys. If not, I'll just be a few days behind I guess. Can't wait!! :love:
  • Question for you....and forgive me if this is a dumb one, but I'm a newbie! :tongue: When you refer to the "lean version" vs the "classic", etc, are those different options with the DVDs (like a different choice all-together) or you just follow a different person on the video? My fiance and I were thinking of doing it…
  • My fiance and I have been talking about ordering P90X for about 3 weeks now. I think we are finally going to give in and buy it this weekend. I'd love to start with you guys on 4/26!! No more procrastination...I'm ordering! :tongue: Any suggestions for ordering it cheaper somewhere other than Beachbody website?
  • I bought the Yogi Berry Cleanse hoping to help in that same area. I can barely stand the taste and I'm not sure it really helped. I found that drinking it cold and really fast worked best. :happy: Hot, it tasted like grass & flowers and left a horrible after taste. I love the Yogi Bedtime and Calming...those are good after…
  • I'm down for a challenge!
  • Yesterday I set out to do a walk/jog on a trail behing my house. When I left, I told myself the distances I was going to run and the point I was going to turn around and head back. I ended up jogging more than I planned and going further than I expected to. I went for an hour and burned 476 calories! I was really proud of…
  • I forgot to mention that today I weighed in and lost another pound!! WOO HOO!! I have officially lost the weight back that I gained over the holidays and the long extended break I took....finally!!! Something is up with my ticker though....I thought the last time I updated my weight it wasn't right and confirmed today that…
  • Good afternoon ladies! Sounds like everyone is doing great today with workouts! We ROCK!! :bigsmile: Good luck ladies on the not smoking! I know we can do it!! Checking in for yesterday... I ate well yesterday and only indulged in a 1/4 cup of raisinette's after dinner. It was my treat for it being Lost night. :tongue:…
  • Good afternoon my Workout Buddies! Dang we have such a big group now it took me a while to get caught up on all the posts. I love it!! :heart: I've been MIA since Friday and am just now getting a chance to get caught up on my log and checking in. :grumble: I've had a few things going on over the weekend that kept me from…
  • Hello workout buddies! I'm sooooo late checking in today and had to get caught up on all the posts. Great job on your workouts today. And are a machine! Truly inspirtational knowing you don't eat bad at restaurants and workout even when you are felling crappy. Keep it up! So yesterday, you know I did horrible…
  • :explode: I'm right there with you today! One stupid choice at lunch completely blew my entire day and I'm so pissed at myself. It helps to confess and vent!! I'm trying to shrug it off and have a good evening. You do the same! :flowerforyou:
  • Hey Workout Buddies! Glad to hear everyone got a workout in already. I always feel like the late bloomer because you guys get it in first thing in the morning and work out at night. But, it gives me motivation to rock it out when I get outta work! vrdz---Sorry to hear you started smoking again. I know how much it sucks!…
  • Thanks for the advice Choco. I haven't tried the walking DVDs before but maybe I should check them out. I decided to take a rest day since the DF did too. It made the decision much easier! I planned on making a new recipe tonight and had food thawed out but while at work I wasn't sure the calories for it. It ended up being…
  • Any advice on what to do tonight?..... I was going to have a rest day to give my sore shin a break, but I only have 320 cals left dinner :noway: What should I do to burn some calories that won't aggrevate my shin too much?
  • :happy: LOL! Glad I could help with your weather forecast! My DF still brags that he predicted it was going to be a tough winter for us. Everytime it snows or threatens to snow he's like "who was right?" and proceeds to tell me the story of him predicting our winter weather and I want to knock him out. :laugh: So I've been…
  • Good morning ladies! And what a dreary morning it is in TX. We might be getting some sleet & snow tomorrow and just this weekend we were wearing shorts!!! Crazyness!! It seems like our group is growing!! That's awesome! Congrats Choco on your video accomplishment and good luck with your plan for the P90X. I think I'm going…
  • Welcome newbies! The more posters the more motivation!
  • LMAO! vrdz you made me laugh outloud at work..."only run when people are chasing me". That's awesome! My fiance (DF?? :smile: ) is finally jogging with me again. We started out jogging very small intervals last summer and then he stopped and I started jogging with a friend. He's getting back into it which is motivating me…
  • Good morning Ladies! Wow are off to a good start in your pocket and planning away! :wink: How awesome to get ready for a 10k and training for a half marathon...props to you! I'd love to join you, but I'm still working up to accomplishing a 5k without dying. :tongue: Don't you just love getting tax…
  • Lately, it's taking me almost an hour to burn close to 500 calories. I've been doing the videos and I'm burning around 400-480 and tose are roughly 50 mins to an hour. I've been going on walk/jogs and burning 300-350 calories for about 50 mins. I know the 500 is do-able, I just have to commit more time which is sometimes…
  • Hey Ladies! Sorry so late checking in.....working like a busy bee today! Congrats Choco on reaching your goal weight! Cograts vrdz on your 5k Sat! Congrats Ang on your great workouts!! :flowerforyou: I had a pretty good weekend but ate a little too much. :blushing: Friday night I went on a walk/jog outside and burned about…
  • My weekend plans... Tonight just a normal night, walk/jog after work and maybe a video. Cooking dinner at home and watching a Mavs game. Tomorrow my son has 2 basketball games so I'll be running around throughout the day. My plan is to workout in the morning...after I get to sleep in a bit. :yawn: (Ah...can't wait!) We…
  • Good morning ladies! HaPpY FrIdAy!!! :smooched: Choco-- way to go on your weight are almost there!! Don't get discouraged and keep up the hard work! :flowerforyou: So I've read several times that you have a problem sleeping at night. I was windering if you've ever tired any tea to help? I've been drinking some…
  • Way to go everyone on this week's workouts! I love logging in and seeing all the posts from our Workout Buddies! :love: Choco- good luck on losing that last 1.5 lbs! 125 does sound awesome, but 126.5 sounds good too! I'd love to be down in that range...what I weighed after high school! Good question on what to do once…
  • You girls have me all motivated to sign up for boot camp and now try out this P90X stuff! I better get on it before you leave me in the dust! :happy: Choco-forgot to give you props earlier for trying out a new video! I've heard so much about P90X but haven't tried it out. I guess I feel a sense of loyalty to Bob & Jillian…
  • Good morning ladies! Thanks for the advice on boot camp. My fiance and I have been looking into signing up for one at the rec center. Thye have an evening session every Tuesday & Thursday that might work well with our schedule. Checking in for yesterday....did well with eating, but didn't workout. :grumble: We had our…
  • I :heart: Biggest Loser and am addicted to watching it! Jillian is quite scary but a good scary! Like get the job done scary! I always wonder when watching, if I were there and she was yelling at me...would I break down and cry? Or get pissed and want to punch her?? LOL!! I cried the first episode, hearing their stories.…
  • Forgot to mention I weighed in this morning and lost 2 pounds! Last time I weighed in was 14 days ago so it looks like I lost a pound a week!! :bigsmile:
  • Hey Ladies! Another pretty day for you guys? It's supposed to be in the 70's today here in TX...woo hoo!! Way to go Choco and vrdz on your workouts yesterday!! Great job!!! :happy: I had a great day yesterday! Did well with eating and tried out a new recipe for dinner last night. The boys loved it and it was a healthy…
  • Good morning workout buddies! Checking in after a long, nice weekend! (too bad it's over) Friday I ran some errands after work but still managed to workout, so I was very impressed with myself. I did Jillian's Last Chance Workout for an hour and burned 485 calories. I stayed within my calories too. Saturday was a busy day,…