

  • @lennonluv2, I took screenshots so you can see what I got. it apparently is not the same as you. :-( https://picasaweb.google.com/114697656672193458694/ScreenshotsToShare one is of the results of the search, and the other three are of the first few entries that did not mention toppings. None of them matched what you said…
  • 'New York pizza' got me Russo's, Adriatico, Joe's New York which may have been the one in Arizona... anyway, I was already frustrated when I found New York Style Cheesecake from Boston Pizza. That's what spawned the post. The entries I saw didn't mention pie sizes, and the calories ranged from 210 to 450. Which doesn't…
  • I've found that whatever exercise I do, if it's not in a therapy-temperature pool, I'm almost immobile for 1-3 days. Therapy temp seems to be aimed at arthritis; it's warmer than a heated swimming pool and not as hot as a jacuzzi-hot tub. The physical therapy place I go to keeps theirs at 92-94 degrees Fahrenheit. When I…
  • My housemate has an account at Restaurant Depot, and gets the plain, full-fat, Greek yogurt from there. Exactly the texture of sour cream, without the sweet-sour flavor. I like it much better than the american-brands like Dannon masquerading under a faux greek-ish name (oikos), or other sweet-tooth brands like yoplait.…
  • It totally sucks. Complete agreement. Hopefully your body is behaving somewhat more kindly today. Yesterday sucked for me, too. Today started better, but isn't so good now, and hopefully will get no worse.
  • Any day I manage to get to physical therapy, I reward myself by getting an onion bagel with scallion cream cheese from the very proper kosher place across the street. Proper flavor, proper texture, proper *quantity* of spread (like a sandwich, not like a tiny bit for bare moisture on the 'bread')... and completely out of…
  • The nutritionist I went to after I was diagnosed pre-diabetic wanted me to limit both carbs and fat. There's nothing left but protein at that point if you're trying to follow that...
  • One problem with trying to help with fibro is that any given treatment Only helps 60%-70% of the afflicted population. (That's according to my fibro doctor, may his retirement give him the peace I haven't found while looking for another fibro doc. :-) :-\ ) This generally implies that the presented symptoms, while…
  • Homemade tzatziki sauce: Diced cukes Minced onions Minced/pressed garlic Yogurt The consistency should be like thick thousand island - a thick liquid that still pours with lots of pieces in it. Put lots of garlic in, serve with a meatloaf-esque mixture of ground meat - lamb if you're being at all authentic, beef works…
  • Don't have much to say other than "Hi!" And "Me, too!" But I was driven to post here cause of the OP nickname and the responder just before me. When I was in college I fell in with a crowd of silly folks who had all taken nicknames from Winnie-the-Pooh books. By the time I found them they'd grown large enough that all the…
  • A very good resource is WWW.celiac.com - it's one of the oldest websites on the web, has lots of good info. When I was looking there a few months ago, one thing I found among the info is that there are three general levels of gluten problems - can't have any at all, no, really, none! ; this ingredient makes me really…
  • Welcome! I'm new too, and also suffer from migraines. I cope mostly with a combo of meds (maxalt under-the-tongue), growling at the aggravation, trying not to growl at people helping me, giving myself permission to be mostly non-functional, and letting everyone nearby know how much I appreciate their help and tolerance…
  • Thanks for the idea. I'll see if I can find any I can afford. I agree. I'd just like to be able to do so without such extreme guesstimating, requiring War And Peace length explanations in the notes (even if only to myself). Good luck to you, and thank you.