

  • Hiya I have the same sort of problem, but my weight seems to go up the week after woman's week, but as long as u keep doing what you are doing and have faith in yourself u can do it, try make a few changes, like what u are eating and what exercise u are doing as your body seems to get used to what it is you are doing…
  • hi emily, its a great app, ive been on it for over 60 days now its great to watch what u eat, the exercise you do and how may cals u burn, and to stay in touch with new friends add me if u like x:wink:
  • hi yes i can relate to this post, but throughout the month i get 2 like this, have u tried burning, peppermint essential oil in an oil burner, plus cut out the three C Chocolate Cheese and Coffee, this helps but i have been given pills to help me and the headaches dont seem to be as bad, i can function a bit better with…
  • im not going to give anything up as ive already given loads up to loose this weight so i am going to pledge to exercise everyday for 40days and eat very healthy, x so its not always about what to give up it could also be about a change u are going to make x good luck everyone who is giving something up xx
  • hi ya thats a good goal u can add me if u like my user name is elaine010570
  • i know just what u mean, when the kids have gone to bed and sitting there alone, u start to think and the easiest thing to do is reach for the crisp and whatever else is easy to eat, this was me until jan, now when i want to reach for the cupboard, i have no food in apart from fruit and healthy stuff, in time i stopped…
  • i have done it but it gave me the shakes and messed my bowls up so dont think its a great idea, eating healthy and try to exercise is the best way to loose weight, i have lost 16lb in two months doing the healthy way, but didnt loose much on slim fast so if u do choose to do it please be careful:smile:
  • ill be in on this xx