maryannville Member


  • Just don't run TOO hard if you're a beginner or you will end up with all the problems I did... pulled hamstring, plantar fasciitis, tight IT band. just take it slow. Try the Couch to 5K program ( if you are just starting out. I am all over the place in times. I try to do 6mph for running at a minimum, then…
  • I say follow the plan. I skipped C25K altogether and just ran a lot when I started running. Bad idea. You can run wrong, or run too much too quickly, causing issues that can last a long time. Just because you don't hurt, doesn't mean you didn't hurt something you did not realize. People create these plans for a reason -…
  • To lower sodium, eat less soup, more fresh veggies, less restaurants, less deli meat, less cheese. More chicken breasts, vegetables, protein powder, unsweetened almond milk . Check out my food diary. I try to stay under 2000 sodiums... but yeah, they tell me don't look at sodium unless you have issues with it... but I…
  • I was stuck at 147.5 for 2 weeks and talked to a nutritionist... if 130's are your goal numbers so are mine!! They told me to just be drastic temporarily. Eat no more than 24 sugars a day, and eat 30-60 carbs a day and keep the exercise to 30 minutes at a time... no super hard workouts. try to keep fat below 30... even if…
  • Ok, I challenged myself to get from 152 to 144 a few weeks ago. Today I am proud to say I got to 144.5 lbs! Only .5 away is not bad at all! I am actually pretty amazed this is working!! YEAH!!!!!! :) Current Weight: 144.5 lbs Height: 5' 5" Age: 37 Location: Schaumburg, IL
  • Well, I was 145 on Sunday... so hopefully on 2/14 morning I'll be 144 as in my Valentine's day goal! Wow I can't believe I got this close!!!! YAY!
  • That is awesome!! I am at 155 and want to get to 135! I have that same polka dot bathing suit! and i also have a turquoise one! haha GREAT JOB! Gives me hope that 20 lbs can make such a difference.
  • Some of the foods on this list are not bad as in you will DIE if you eat them. But some things have unnecessary chemicals, potential strange bacteria and pesticides, etc. and potential for carrying bad things on them. Some of the other things on the list are either hard to digest, or are just very unknown that why would…
  • I'm in! Current Weight: 152lbs Height: 5' 5" Age: 37 Location: Schaumburg, IL I'd LOVE to be 144 by Feb 14th! :flowerforyou:
  • I have lost 1 so far... Day 2 begins... gotta start somewhere!!
  • Mine is from the Mother's Day 5K in May 2012! :) Created by - Free Calorie Counter