Treadmill Speeds

Juka80 Posts: 42 Member
My guess most treadmills are universal with their speed numbers. I want to see what you put for your speed during walking and running.

Walking Speed
How long do you walk per day?
Running speed
How long do you run per day?

Here is my info:
15-20 minutes
RS: 5-5.5
15-20 minutes

Calorie burned 490-550 per treadmill



  • aswearingen22
    aswearingen22 Posts: 271 Member
    Yes, the speeds are universal. Here's a conversion so you can see what your pace is at each setting.

    I'm not exactly sure what you're asking for, but my "easy runs" on the treadmill are done at a 6.2 or 6.3 which is a 9:41 or a 9:31 minute mile. I also do temp runs, intervals, strides, etc. on the treadmill done at speeds anywhere from 6.5 (9:14 min mile) up to a 10.0 (6:00 min mile). The only walking I do is for a few minutes to cool down after a run and I do that at around 3.7. Based on my heart rate monitor (taking into account weight and heart rate), on a 0% incline treadmill, I burn about 85-90 calories per mile, regardless of the speed. I burn closer to 95+ calories per mile outside with hills, wind, etc. I would never go by the calories burned on the treadmill or even on mfp, it always estimates way too high for me.
  • Juka80
    Juka80 Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks for the reply. I am just curious to know if I am an average runner/walker. :)
  • aswearingen22
    aswearingen22 Posts: 271 Member
    You are running an 11-12 min mile, and not sure how to put this nicely, is on the slower side!;) I think it depends on what you're comparing yourself too I guess. I have a running friend who follows Galloway and runs for 2 mins and walks for 1 min and her average pace is probably around yours. The rest of my running friends run in the 7-9 min mile range. I'd say "average" runner is probably 8-10 min miles, depending on distance. If only running 1 mile, I would do about a 7:30 mile, if I'm running a half marathon, I'm running it around 9:45 min miles.
  • aswearingen22
    aswearingen22 Posts: 271 Member
    BUT, that's just based on my experience with running friends who all run a lot and race a lot (5k's all the way up to marathons), so my experience may be a bit skewed! One running friend is running the Boston Marathon in a few weeks! She's fast!
  • ChrisinGA
    ChrisinGA Posts: 116 Member
    you have long legs?
    I only do 3.0 most of the time, and try to go 30 minutes at a time but mostly been going 15 minutes at a time. if i do it for 30 mins it says i go 1 mile.
  • phillrachel
    I'm just starting out running again since I signed up for my first 5k

    Walking speed is 3.8 to 4.0
    Running speed is usually 5.5 but trying to up that. 5.5 is a 10:45 min mile so a slower pace.

    My goal is to just run my 5k in 30 min without dying! If you aren't trying to be a fast runner do the pace that feels good for you and try to up it a little each week or every other week.
  • emmymcq
    emmymcq Posts: 278 Member
    I don't walk very fast on the treadmill, usually 3.0-3.5mph, but I do crank up the incline or walk on the hill setting.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Try doing it on actual ground and not on a treadmill. I think you'll find things are quite different.
  • Juka80
    Juka80 Posts: 42 Member
    I guess my legs are average. :)

    I usually run 1mil in less than 11 minutes.

    Yes, I would make it to be slow. :) I am a beginner. Maybe one day I could run faster. LOL
  • Turtle003
    Turtle003 Posts: 133 Member
    When I run on the treadmill my pace is at a 10 minute mile (6.0) for most of the time. I will bump up to 8:30 minute mile(7.0) every other mile. I usually do about 3-5 miles on a treadmill. When I walk to cool down or decrease my HR I do about 4.0. Outside running I go faster about a 8:30-9 minute mile steady pace...I dont know why I run faster outside than on the treadmill but I do. On my long runs of 8+miles I will slow to a 10-11 minute mile.
  • ay1978pa
    ay1978pa Posts: 142 Member
    I do 30 min intervals at max incline (15 deg)

    1:30 - 2 min jogging at 5.2 - 5.5 mph
    3 - 3:30 min walking at 4 - 4.2 mph
    (this adds to 5 minutes)

    Repeat 6 times

    This burns 500 - 550 cal in half an hour for my weight.
  • OddChoices
    OddChoices Posts: 244 Member
    I do intervals. Running speed 9.6 for up to 40 seconds. Usually by end of the 30-40 minute HIIT session I adjust top speed down to 8.0mph for 1 minute with 1 minute "rest" at 4.0. 4.0 is my walking speed.

    Calories spent is about 300 in 30 minutes.
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    i warm up at a pace of 3.5-3.7
    Run at 5.8-7.5 but usually keep it on 6.0
    cool down at 3.5-3.0
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Walking as warm-up or cool-down 3.6 mph with 1% incline for 5-10 min. Usually between 90-100 bpm HR then.

    Walking for exercise to get HR up to useful level, 5-10% incline at 3.6 mph, or increase speed to 4 mph with less incline, whatever lets me hit the HR zone I need for that workout. 60 min about all I can take, so boring even with music.

    Running 1-3% incline, anywhere from 6 to 8.5 mph depending on purpose of workout. Usually determined by HR zone being used. 60 min again.

    Outside is usually about HR zone not pace, so incline and pace all over the board. 60 - 120 min usually.
  • maryannville
    maryannville Posts: 11 Member
    Just don't run TOO hard if you're a beginner or you will end up with all the problems I did... pulled hamstring, plantar fasciitis, tight IT band. just take it slow. Try the Couch to 5K program ( if you are just starting out. I am all over the place in times. I try to do 6mph for running at a minimum, then walk at a 4, and try to run at 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5 depending how I feel. I am 37 and started running at age 35. I probably hurt in places because I'm getting OLD hahaha an easy run for me is 11 or 11:30 pace... for a 5k, my fastest was 8:30 and recently 8:45... my fastest half marathon was a 10:17 pace. my marathon pace was 12:30 but it was my first and that was pretty darn far haha...
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I don't walk very fast on the treadmill, usually 3.0-3.5mph, but I do crank up the incline or walk on the hill setting.


    That usually puts me at 17-18 min mile. LOVE the rolling hills setting. I cannot walk on a zero incline.
  • ccmccoy09
    ccmccoy09 Posts: 284 Member
    The converter someone posted earlier is really great:

    I just started running in August of 2011, and I was a steady 5.3 mph or 11:40 min mile for about a year and that was fine for me. My goals changed, I wanted to get faster, and I incorporated some speed work (intervals) on the track/treadmill. Now I run an average 10 minute mile (about 6.0 mph) for my long runs (6-12 miles). My current 10k time is 56:30, or about 8:30 min mile (7.0-7.1 mph). For a basic, midweek, 4 mile fun run I'm about a 9:15-9:20 (6.5 mph).

    If you want to get faster, work in some faster intervals. It also helps to pay attention to your stride. Some people hate doing speed work on the treadmill because you have to keep changing the speed setting, but I like to be able to push myself a little faster with the speed controls.

    I think 11-12 minute mile is fine though as long as it's enough to get your heart rate up. If you don't have racing as a goal, don't let anyone tell you you're too slow. Happy running!
  • thepaul500
    I know isn't quit the questions, but its worth pointing out...

    One thing to keep in mind for all this: treadmill speed does not equal outdoor speed. First, most treadmills will be miscalibrated anywhere from 3-10% (set any two treadmills in the gym to the same speed and watch how they don;t stay even). Second, you have no air resistance and the belt is moving beneath you, something the ground doesn't do.

    At a bare minimum, you should set the treadmill to a 1% incline every single time you run if you want it to more realistically match to your outdoor running speeds.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    You're burning 500 calories in 2-ish miles? I only burn aorund 75-80 a mile, no matter the pace.

    I warm-up at 3.5-4.0. I run anywhere from 4.6-5.5, depending on how I feel. 4.6 is a very slow run, 5 feels good, 5.5 feels good, but starts to wear me out after about 5-8 minutes. Ii'm doing an 5K training plan right now, the week I'm in has me running 1.5-1.75 miles 3 days a week, with an easy .5 mile run on Sunday. Today I did 1.5 miles in 18 minutes, it felt fslow. I did 1.75 miles in 20:13 on Monday.
  • boboff
    boboff Posts: 129 Member
    I set the incline as much as I can and target 3.4 - 3.5, anything else hurts!

    My OH runs at 12 min mile, on the road, and all her Ex Marine friends laugh at her for being slow, I take the car and laugh at them!