jacknikon Member


  • I also work 12-hour overnight shifts as an RN and I struggled with eating as well, both eating healthy and just figuring out when to eat overnight. I have been leaning heavily towards filling, protein-rich foods, like grilled chicken with some veggies and a bag of almonds or cashews for a snack (as well as some fruit, cuz…
  • I'm 5'4", 126 lbs and just maintaining my weight. I'm at about 1600 to 1700 calories a day if I'm sedentary. On days I train, I get 200 to 700 extra calories and I do train most days of the week. I find it very easy to stay within these limits, especially when I focus on filling up on vegetables and lean meat (which is…
  • Yeah I was going to ask what your warmup was like. A lot of gyms do a bunch of front and back rolls as part of warmup- and these always make me feel super dizzy. Do you get nauseous during these kinds of activities? Also, it may just be an adjustment period. BJJ is rough, especially at the beginning.
  • Hi everyone! I'm Jack, 37-year-old female. I've been training BJJ about 5 months (I'm a white belt at Easton Training Center) and I'm completely obsessed (of course). I've always been relatively healthy, and I'm definitely not looking to lose any weight, but I know I could do better with my nutrition to help me train…
  • Thanks! It definitely contributed to my poor health and fitness.
  • Start Weight: 130 Current Weight: 130 Goal Weight by 6/9/2011: 120 I'm going to stop drinking so much. I'm going to start spending more time outside, even though the weather is awful.
  • I don't own a scale...try to weigh myself every other week when I get down to the gym. More than that seems obsessive, anyway. Go with how you feel not what you weigh.