

  • I've dated body builders and whimps, but I think I like the mesomorphs the best, because overall I like proportion. They all have their charms, though. :wink:
  • I will be happy if I fit in a size 12 jeans. Shopping in a store and not having to shop in the "women's" department. Being able to wear cute, funky clothes that represent how I feel inside my body. :happy: :smile:
  • that sounds good...can you be more specific so I can try it, please??:smile:
  • There are far more benefits to exercise than using up calories....building muscle, strengthening your heart, feeding your brain, stimulating bone calcification, lower blood pressure, producing serotonin, etc...the list is endless. Don't exercise "just to lose weight"...exercise because it FEELS good (once you get used to…
  • Hi, I'm Jennifer. I've been using this app for about a month and have lost 5 pounds so far. I could use encouragement and support from other people trying to get fit. At my highest, I weighed 245 pounds, but now I'm down to 233. I would like to get to 150 or lower for health reasons. I am a physical therapist assistant who…
  • Welcome and good luck reaching your health goals!!! I've lost about 5 pounds so far even though I have a hard time not eating in the late evenings. This seems a good motivator for me. Hope it helps you, too. :flowerforyou:
  • :flowerforyou: Remember that too little body fat is deadly. We all need some body fat because it cushions and supports our internal organs. Losing most of the fat between your muscles and your skin is okay. Also, remember that BMI isn't always a good indicator because very muscular people can be very high in BMI and still…
  • oranges and tomatoes have a good amount of potassium for people who get sick of eating bananas:smile:
  • :happy: Wow, I hope it all works out for you. My husband and dad were both horrible snorers and neither was ever overweight so there was no reasonable fix. Poor mom and I never felt rested until we each started sleeping in separate rooms from our men. Suddenly the world seemed much brighter. Sleep is so important!! Both…