Skin sag

Ok, I want your opinions... Mine is purely moot apparently due to everyone saying I am wrong anyway..

I am around 5'0" Highest was 92kg, currently am 63kg.

I lost that since end Jan this year. However I picked up 10kg in 2/3 weeks over christmas period...

I don't think I have loose skin, I have a little belly but without clothes it isn't even there really, only shows when put on tighter than normal clothes...

My thing is, I plan to loose another 10kg still for my racing, will getting into single digit body fat get rid of any excess sag that might linger? I have heard varying contradictions, however anyone here loose that amount or similar and had any issues with skin?

I am 24.

I am getting paranoid... Please someone tell me about it... I will be normal BMI in apparently 5kg, however I have above average muscle and reckon I am hovering around 19/20% body fat at moment... And want to get down between 6-13%...


  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Any time you lose a significant amount of weight, you'll have some sagging skin. Losing the weight slow, your being young and working out regularly will help eventually tighten everything up.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I wouldn't worry about skin sag as you're not talking a lot of volume. And you're young with elastic skin.

    I would worry about going that low on body fat. That sounds unhealthy - you're down to or under vital necessary fat. My eldest is your age, male, and over that for body fat and doesn't look to have an ounce on his body. Hug hum and he's bones, and he's always been at the bottom aof healthy BMI. He's now in the Peace Corps and just dropped weight because of his diet and daily activities. He had a tiny skins flap - he started skinny. It went away.

    I have a suggestion. You're in a good starting place. Ignore your weight and your body fat, which needs to be professionally measured to be accurate.

    Focus on building lean muscle. You'll get the look and health you want and will not drive yourself into a dangerous place for weight.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    go for toning exercies with moderate arms, triceps, shoulders, back, legs (squats and dead lifts) and pull up/chin ups are great too! Good luck
  • chaabounij
    Remember that too little body fat is deadly. We all need some body fat because it cushions and supports our internal organs. Losing most of the fat between your muscles and your skin is okay. Also, remember that BMI isn't always a good indicator because very muscular people can be very high in BMI and still be very healthy. Good luck reaching your best health!!!
  • glassbirdhouse
    According to my doctor: no. Skin is skin and it will retract in it's own time, regardless of body fat percentage (providing that percentage is not so low as to prohibit healthy functioning of the body).

    and for reference, from muscleandstrength[dot].com regarding body fat

    For men up to about the age of 30, 9-15%
    For women, the range up to age 30 is 14-21%