explore_live Member


  • Congrats on the Success I am back on a whole 14 to 21, what did you everyone notice when butting things back in your body, how did you react to food?
  • Hi Everyone Great Stats and Congrats on the changelling 30 days!. This is my favorite part the reintroduction, learning that if you eat late a night your don;t sleep well, when you stress and worked 12 plus hours and your on the whole 30 you eat the only thing you have a your desk that is compliant - NUTS. That after…
  • Phase in food slowly after the whole 30 you have to learn how you body is affected by what you fuel it with.
  • there is not fail or not fail, there is the little steps we make to progress. Remember try something and see if it work for you, don't let someone tell you want you can or can't do. Every step left- right or backwards, made leads us three steps forward. Aweosme job, eat clean; meat, veggies, fat, and fruit.
    in Fail? Comment by explore_live April 2013
  • Half way feels great, and it keeps getting easier and easier, the thougth for other things have slowly started to float away. I will be ready to make paleo ice cream in another 45 days, I am going for a whole 60 this time, right before my b-day!!!
  • Liking the list Breakfast - eggs with carrot sticks Lunch - Chicken apple salad with pecan or walnut Dinner - veggies and juice, and the shredded chick I cooked over the weekend
  • Scale is out the door, time for success on photo's and inches. I know it will result in health and progress, last time the progress made was great.
  • awesome! Time for more success in another go round.
  • Great, I did one in January however due to surgery and needing to eat in recovery, I was only able to go 25 days ( Hosptial did not have much else and you could not just eat veggies and fruit and be release) and go back on the paleo plan. Surgery recovery had more paleo treats and a few cheats then I should have and placed…