

  • I guess that "turning the corner" is important when you get into one of these addictive fits. The HOPEFUL thing is that if you can make yourself FEEL BETTER (including by being truly KIND to yourself) then when you do feel better, it gets EASIER to avoid some of the stuff you hate yourself for. Once you're on the road…
  • I have been taught and have confirmed for myself that having the confidence to always "get back on track" is helpful in the long term. You might think that it would work against you by letting you think that it's okay to "slip up." But really, it comes into play at those moments when you are feeling low and mad at…
  • You'll probably get many suggestions on how to cook squash. Here's a mere tip that squash cooked almost any way (baked, steamed) when left over is good cut into circular pancakes or cubes and fried stovetop in a LIGHT amount of olive oil. The cubes can be served in a heap or interspersed with other items such as tofu…
  • I have been taught and have confirmed for myself that having the confidence to always "get back on track" is helpful in the long term. You might think that it would work against you by letting you think that it's okay to "slip up." But really, it comes into play at those moments when you are feeling low and mad at…
  • I, the new one, have read everybody's replies to my introduction, and I thank you. I like the suggestions given about the tea, the exercise instead of boredom, the three deep breaths and, for whoever it was, about eating too many nuts! Yes, that's me, too!. Thanks to all of you. I'll be straying over to the various forum…
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