Fraz73 Member


  • Finished Body Rev three weeks ago and loved it. Doing P90X now but good luck - you should get great results from it!
  • Yay good to see some more people out there bringing it every day and pressing play! Just did Yoga X for the 2nd time and loved it. Got so much more out of it this time. Chest & back is my nemesis workout at the moment but I'll get there. Keep pressing play everyone :D
  • I have two weeks to go on Body Rev and I've totally loved it. Amazing results too.
  • Hi everyone, newbie here. I'm one of the few guys doing 30DS. Are there any more guys out there doing this? Just did L2D1 this morning and OMG that hurt!! I'm dieting at the same time - no bread and low carb intake generally - so I can see results already but L2 is just sooooo much harder than L1 which I was coping well…