Body Revolution - anyone in?

Hey guys! I'm starting week 2 today and I would love to talk to some people who are also doing this. Week 1 has been alright for me, I wasn't sore or anything (I did 30DS before so I think I gained some strength), but I've binged for almost 4 days, thing which ruined my entire progress. So I would really need some support to stay on the line.
So, anyone interested? :-) (By the way, sorry if my English is quite bad, I'm not a native speaker :-)


  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    starting tomorrow :) I'm excited!

  • Fraz73
    Fraz73 Posts: 6 Member
    Finished Body Rev three weeks ago and loved it. Doing P90X now but good luck - you should get great results from it!
  • clarebailey355
    clarebailey355 Posts: 113 Member
    I just started week 11, good luck!
  • Thanks for your support, guys! I sould have started week 2 today but as I'm leaving for London on 17th December I decided to start Phase 2 in order to get better results. Workout 5 really kicked my *kitten*, it's insane! But I'm not giving up, I want to lose at least 3 or 4 kgs until the middle of December!
  • sajero2
    sajero2 Posts: 47 Member
    I am starting week 7 tonight. I love it, and can't believe I've stuck with it! I haven't missed any days yet and I am in the middle of phase 2. Some of the workouts suck, but I feel much better when I'm done. The inches are dropping and I am very happy with this program. The 30 minutes a day thing is great; I wouldn't be sticking to it if it was an hour.
  • sajero2
    sajero2 Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks for your support, guys! I sould have started week 2 today but as I'm leaving for London on 17th December I decided to start Phase 2 in order to get better results. Workout 5 really kicked my *kitten*, it's insane! But I'm not giving up, I want to lose at least 3 or 4 kgs until the middle of December!

    Workout 5 was brutal for me at first, but when I finished it for the last time on Thursday I did SO much better. It's amazing how much stronger you get from workout to workout!
  • I am starting week 7 tonight. I love it, and can't believe I've stuck with it! I haven't missed any days yet and I am in the middle of phase 2. Some of the workouts suck, but I feel much better when I'm done. The inches are dropping and I am very happy with this program. The 30 minutes a day thing is great; I wouldn't be sticking to it if it was an hour.

    Wow, congrats for getting this far! Yes, I really like that it's an only 30 minutes workout and that you don't do the same thing over and over again (I get bored quite fast :D ). Could you tell me what results you've had so far? :-)
  • sajero2
    sajero2 Posts: 47 Member
    I am only taking measurements after each phase, so after phase 1 (completed 2 weeks ago), this is what I lost:

    Weight: Lost 4.6 lbs
    Bust: Lost 1 inch
    Midriff: Lost .5 inch
    Upper Left Arm: No change
    Waist: Lost 2.5 inches
    Upper Hip: Lost 3.25 inches
    Lower Hip (around butt): Lost 1 inch
    Upper Left Thigh: Lost .5 inch
    Left Calf: Lost .5 inch

    After a month...I will take that! I have since lost 3.8 pounds more in just the last 2 weeks, almost doubling my rate from phase 1. I think my body was retaining a lot of water or something due to the sudden increase in working out so the pounds didn't go down as quickly. I don't care about that either; I could care less what I end up weighing. I just want to look good and be a smaller size!

    I've also dropped a size, which is amazing for me, as I typically need to lose about 15+ pounds to drop a size, and I dropped a size after only 5-7 pounds down. I started at about a 10/12 and am now an 8/10 (depending on the brand).

    Stick with the program, it works!

    Edit to add: I should mention I am NOT following her diet plan at all and I did NOT do the quick start program of 2 workouts a day. I did end up eating close to 1,200 in the first month just because I lost my appetite after increasing workouts (I am opposite of most people who seem to get ravenous after exercising). I don't believe in such a low calorie diet, so this month I have been trying to eat closer to 1,500 and wouldn't you know, I've lost more weight! She says don't eat peanuts, sugar, etc. and I eat peanut butter everyday and sugar and whatever else, just in moderation. :)
  • Wow, you got amazing results! I'm not following her meal plan either (actually, I've binged today, AGAIN :( ) I'm supposed to do workout 6 today but I don't feel really well right now, so I'll do it a bit later on, but I promise I'll do it.
  • Cara2628
    Cara2628 Posts: 64 Member
    I think I am going to start this tomorrow! I have gotten so bored of the gym and have been wanting a cardio workout to do at home :)
  • Hlasweet
    Hlasweet Posts: 51 Member
    I'm on week 3 and I find the second phase to be challenging but a challenge is good!

    I am not doing her diet plan but I am following the calories set on MFP. I do try to yo-yo the calories though to mix it up a bit. On my rest day, I do some type of cardio otherwise I feel lazy!

    In the first two weeks I have lost 5 lbs with a total of 6.3 inches lost. My thighs have really had the most change and for that I am most grateful! :smile:

    Good luck to you and to the rest using this!
  • I do the same thing, I just can't stay and do anything on my rest day so I usually do level 2 or 3 from her 30DS workout. Good luck to you as well, don't forget to show us your results after finishing JMBR! :)
  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    I'm on week 8 and loving it. Feel free to add me for some support. All the best with the program! :)