30 Day shred Friends :)



  • saucybgl
    saucybgl Posts: 7 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbo- I agree, I think it has alot to do w/form. I still can't figure out how to do the side lunges, I never feel like I'm doing them right, I can't figure out how to get my booty to stick out like they do, but still keep my upper body straight!

    For those of you who have had kids.... maybe TMI... but anyone else having, how should I put this, "leaking" probs when you do the jumping jacks?? I was so not expecting that!! LOL
  • projectcosplay
    projectcosplay Posts: 25 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbo and tlh0407 thank you so much for the input. I will just stick with it for the 10 days because I want the best results I can get from the program. Tbh, I was surprised at how hard this works you! I've done insanity before and honestly this hurts me worse than that program did. Probably the strength training.

    Thanks again and I'll probably swing by and check in :) I'll try and keep pushing my squats and stuff lower until level two.
  • Fraz73
    Fraz73 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone, newbie here. I'm one of the few guys doing 30DS. Are there any more guys out there doing this? Just did L2D1 this morning and OMG that hurt!! I'm dieting at the same time - no bread and low carb intake generally - so I can see results already but L2 is just sooooo much harder than L1 which I was coping well with. Does L2 get any easier?
  • ceejayelle
    ceejayelle Posts: 2 Member
    Day one done. 29 to go...

    To those of you who started this 13 days ago, make sure you post your before and after pics. Will be checking for them in 17 days time :wink:

    Keep going everyone.
  • judykat7
    judykat7 Posts: 576 Member
    The leaky problem gets better as you get stronger. Keep going.

    The side lunges were hard for me to get form on too. I practiced after the workout without weights and then added the weights after I got the form. I kept wanting to fall over backwards at first! Remember the line about sticking your butt to the wall behind you. Arch or at least have a straight back and don't look down to see if your knees are over your toes. Get someone to spot you for your form if needed-that has helped me some.

    You will get stronger as level two goes on. The form on some of the moves was difficult for me at first but once I could put myself into the moves and not be concentrating on form, it got "easier".

    Keep going guys - it is so going to be worth it!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey guys--just did my last day of Level 1--YAY!!! :bigsmile: I felt it was much easier than day 1 even though a few of the moves were still tough. I'm very excited to start level 2 tomorrow.

    @judy & saucy--I actually find the side lunges easier than the regular lunges (the ones w/bicep curls). Judy is right--you just need to try them without the arms to get the move down, and then add the arms. With the regular lunges, I keep losing my balance and feeling like I will tip over. :laugh: It has gotten better, but that's still the hardest move for me.

    @saucy--thanks for re-affirming my decision to remain childless. :laugh:

    @fraz--welcome to the group! I guess I may regret my boredom with level 1 if level 2 is that much harder--yikes! Now you've got me scared.

    @ceejay--I took before pics so I can compare them to the after pics--but I will NEVER post them in a public forum. :blushing:

    Hope everyone is having a great Friday! :drinker:
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I'm having some trouble getting going on L1D4 today. I'm dreading the jumping jacks. Heaven help me, the jumping jacks. But I didn't put on two sports bras for nothing so here I go!

    @judy & saucy--I actually find the side lunges easier than the regular lunges (the ones w/bicep curls). Judy is right--you just need to try them without the arms to get the move down, and then add the arms. With the regular lunges, I keep losing my balance and feeling like I will tip over. :laugh: It has gotten better, but that's still the hardest move for me.

    @saucy--thanks for re-affirming my decision to remain childless. :laugh:

    I like the side lunges over regular lunges, too. I have to do shallow (regular) lunges but on the side lunges I can go deeper and make it feel more effective. They were awkward the first time but I just put down the weights and put my arms down and was able to get my form right.
    Also, the leaking thing doesn't happen to every mom. :laugh: Kegels are your friend. :wink:
  • saucybgl
    saucybgl Posts: 7 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbo-you had me cracking up!! And thanks for the tip about the side lunges, I'll try that.....

    @ChevrauxNoir-I'll have to make them part of my workout routine.... :laugh:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I'm on to level 2 today, but 1st I wanted to update my stats:

    Age - 43
    Starting weight-190
    Height - 5'7"
    Thighs - 25
    Hips - 43
    Waist (@bellybutton)- 35
    Torso (@narrowest)- 31
    Arms - 13

    After Level 1 (6/22)
    Age - 43
    Height - 5'7"
    Thighs - 25
    Hips - 43
    Waist (@bellybutton)- 35
    Torso (@narrowest)- 30
    Arms - 12.5
  • ScouseNerd
    ScouseNerd Posts: 119 Member
    I'm starting today! I won't be doing it EVERY day (since I share a 1 bedroom apartment and my boyfriend would have too much ammo on me if he saw me working out, ever) but going to do it when I don't want to go to the gym.
  • Freyafleur
    Freyafleur Posts: 15
    Hey, guys :)
    Just finished my day 6 today! It's starting to get easier :D
    Wish I'd taken measurements now :( can't keep track of my progress... silly me... maybe I should measure myself when I start level 2
    Keep going guys! You can do this!
  • judykat7
    judykat7 Posts: 576 Member
    Finished level 2 last night and after watching level 3 to prepare for tonight's workout-I am sorry to see level 2 go. I did 9 days of level 1, 11 days of level 2 and have had 3 rest days this month. I am surging forward into level 3. May just do 7 days with no rest days if possible and then call it done at the end of the month. We will see!
  • luulu1999
    luulu1999 Posts: 119
    I started back yesterday on day 1......and I can walk today :) so i plan on continuing this evening.....I started a couple weeks ago and did the first day and couldn't walk for the next two...not good when I have a job where I am up and down and walking all day!!.....I also like to see pics before and after I need to try to get some of my fat belly and stuff before :) I have my measurements so at least I can go by that
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Welcome to the newlings! :flowerforyou: I highly recommend taking pics or measurements or both--even if you choose not to share them here, it will be a good comparison for you.

    @judykat--I just started level 2 on Saturday--I refuse to even peek at level 3 until I make it through 2. :smile:

    AFM--Level 2 on Sat. was really challenging, but the good news is that at least I wasn't sore yesterday. I took 1 of my 2 weekly rest days yesterday, so today will be L2D2.

    Keep going guys!! :drinker:
  • ASB2683
    ASB2683 Posts: 12
    5 days down, 25 to go! I HATE THE PUSH-UPS!

    For those that have already lost weight/inches, how many days did it take to start seeing the changes?
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @ASB--I didn't really "notice" the drop in lbs, but I weigh everyday and just waited until I finished level 1 to record the weight. I also waited until after level 1 to re-measure. I don't really feel any different regarding my torso measurement (down an inch), but my arms feel more toned. I was out with friends yesterday afternoon and felt less self-conscious in a sleeveless shirt. I still have the "batwings" but my biceps, triceps, and deltoids have a bit more definition.

    I did L2D2 this afternoon. I decided to modify the squat-thrusts and plank-jacks this time. I can to them the "hard" way, but I feel like my form is terrible. When I modify them (following Anita in the video), I can keep better form through my core. I also have difficulty with the pendulum lunges--I'm so awkward and tipsy when I do them. :ohwell:
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Just finished Level 1 -- I wasn't as consistent with it as I wanted to be, but I got 10 days in.

    Day 1 / End Level 1

    SW - 250 / 247.6
    Height - 5'6" / still 5'6" :laugh:
    Thigh - 30 / 30
    Calves - 18.5 / 18.25
    Hips - 53.25 / 53.0
    Waist (belly button) - 49.25 / 47.8
    Bust - 50.5 / 49.5
    Arms - 15.75 / 14.5
    Torso (narrowest) - 44 / 43.5

    Gonna go watch level 2...
  • judykat7
    judykat7 Posts: 576 Member
    Did Day 1 of Level 3 last night. THAT is a whole different deal. Going to take me a few days to get some form going and by then hopefully I will find it doable. I admit that some of the moves at first attempt seem undoable an not so many modifications available. I probably felt that way about the first 2 levels the first day of them as well so I am just going to surge forward.

    Jeanz-The pendulum things-I never did feel like I got adequate form. You do need to keep those elbows back like she tells you. That makes a big difference and mine really wanted to come forward. I would give the jacks and thrusts a try and maybe only modify the 2nd set. Note they stick their butts up, not a true plank position when they do them

    tlh-looks like some good results!

    I am going to wait till the end to measure. Weight is down a couple pounds and I do think there are some changes going on. I am feeling some loose skin places-like my insides are going away too fast for the outside to keep up with. Haven't experienced this before.
  • luulu1999
    luulu1999 Posts: 119
    5 days down, 25 to go! I HATE THE PUSH-UPS!

    For those that have already lost weight/inches, how many days did it take to start seeing the changes?

    I hate the push ups also!!!!! Im on day 3 today and feeling pretty good about it
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @luulu--awesome! keep going--it does get a bit easier (and then that B@%CH Jillian changes it all up with the next level :mad: :laugh: ). JK it has definitely gotten better!

    @judykat--I had a minor tear in my meniscus last year--went through a bunch of PT in spring 2012 and my knee finally felt back to "normal" by last fall. Today, it was definitely feeling strange druing those pendulum lunges--I'm going to have to find an alternate move; I can't risk screwing up my knee again. As far as the squat-thrust and plank-jack modifications go--I actually could feel it more in my core than when I was trying to do the full impact move with my butt sticking way up in the air like theirs in the video. :laugh:

    @tracy--great progress so far!! :drinker:

    AFM--I did L2D3 this morning and as I mentioned above to judy, it bothered my knee a bit. I'm going to have to be careful not to aggravate that old injury. Any suggestions for what move to do instead of those pendulum lunges? I thought about maybe the side lunges again--I seemed to do alright with those in level 1. Not sure if the hammer curls will work with those though--I guess I'll just ahve to experiment a bit.