Any new P90X'ers out there? Oct '13

Hi guys,

Just started P90X yesterday (28/10) and I'm looking for fellow P90X'ers to help motivate each other and see the journey through into the New Year. Anyone out there? Send me a friend request or post here. :)


  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    MFP has many beach body groups and a p90x group in particular:
  • editorkim
    editorkim Posts: 27 Member
    I am on day 5. I am doing the "Lean" program.
  • kinnard1936
    kinnard1936 Posts: 1 Member
    I would like to join you. I just placed my order, so I am planning to start 11/16. I will be behind you, but would love to be a P90X buddy. I am going to need the help. Tell me, how did you find it. I am very out of shape right now, so I am just afraid I won't be able to do it or keep up.
  • mfleeg
    mfleeg Posts: 137 Member
    I just started on Sunday!! I am doing a doubles program with Focus T25. :)

    But OMG!!!!! Yoga X is a beeeeaaasssstttt, to me.
  • mokoko123
    mokoko123 Posts: 77 Member
    I just started P90X this week! Feel free to add me as a friend/buddy!
  • Fraz73
    Fraz73 Posts: 6 Member
    Yay good to see some more people out there bringing it every day and pressing play! Just did Yoga X for the 2nd time and loved it. Got so much more out of it this time. Chest & back is my nemesis workout at the moment but I'll get there. Keep pressing play everyone :D