RoseTears143 Member


  • I feel like there is judgment based on how you eat here, but not at how much you weigh when you start your journey. I've gone on and off my journey several times (health reasons making it impossible to work out and giving up) - but the folks I've "met" here have always welcomed me back with open arms and tons of…
  • Hi Lisa! I just got a Dx of PsA this month after struggling for about 4 years with pain that would come and go and not knowing what's going on. This past year has been the worst which is what got me back into a doctor office fighting for answers. Several appts and med combos later I think we are finally onto something…
  • oohhhhhh so glad I found this thread!! I'm currently working with a rheumatologist to figure out what I'm dealing with and on a prednisone taper (he's thinking sero-negative RA, psoriatic arthiritis, and/or ankylosing spondylitis). I have to go back in a little less than a month to discuss my second roudn of blood work,…
  • definitely looking amazing. great job on staying focused!
  • that's so awesome!!! Good luck on it :)
  • I was doing Crossfit on and off for a few months. But for the 6 weeks or so leading up to it work got insane and it was either give up the 7 hours of sleep a night I was getting or workout. Working out was sacrificed. And with travelling home on weekends, I didn't really make time to commit to working out. So while I…
  • thanks guys :) I am already planning on doing at least 3 next year, and a Warrior Dash. I had so much fun!
  • Definitely go for it. Just sign up for one and do it. It's such a great experience!! :)
  • The first lesson I learned is this: endocrinologists don't know jack about hashi's. Lots of them focus on diabetes sadly. Granted, I did get my hashi Dx from an endo, but I am doing way better now than when I was getting treated by her. I self treated for a long time because she refused to treat me from out of state (i…
  • There is a big debate among lots of groups on exercise with thyroid disease. Personally, I do cardio and crossfit. It doesn't make me feel worse at all. If my levels are off, I will feel worse when trying to exercise. It's allabout findign what works for you. I don't like to see people take someone as gold just because…
  • I know my Hashi's started at around 16 myself, but wasn't Dx'd hypo until I was 21 or 22. Got my Hashi Dx a little over 3 years later than that. There are more than just old ladies with thyroid trouble :). Don't fret too much about the age someone is when they get diagnosed. Most of the time it's simply due to poor medical…
  • I wish I could give you a hug!!! And I find it funny you found us by googling "hashimotos and hummus" hehehe. At least you found us!! I sympathize with you. It's hard dealing with hormone imbalances. I feel like your t3 and t4 could use some work to be optimal (not just "normal"), but I'm no doctor :smile: . I never tried…
  • I meant to say stick to your guns lol. Not "stuck to our ins" hahaha
  • I know how frustrating it is. We all have been there unfortunately. It took me 5-6 years of suffering before finding a doc to listen to me, run tests, and get on meds for the first time. 3 years after that I found out I had Hashi's and had my meds doubled. And 3 more years were wasted feeling like crap before I found a doc…
  • It's a steep elarning curve to see what works for your individual body, and can be very frustrating. But every day is another chance to see if what you are doing is either hurting or helping. Every day is another chance to fight it off. You may lose battles here and there, but if you never give up you will win the war.…
  • Well when you word it like that (regarding cost), I completely agree with you!! This quote is usually written on a white board at my chiropractor's office and I love it: "The best doctor gives the least medicines." ~Benjamin Franklin :)
  • :flowerforyou: Oh my.... well I am SO glad you found this group!!! I wonder if eating a moderate protein, high fat, low carb diet would be more suitable for you? Not as much prtein for your body to process. I'm not sure how your funds are, but if you could afford it - look into an MRT test (mediator release test). It will…
  • Many people suffer for years silently because doctor's for some reason don't listen enough. Glad you found our group! :wink: Welcome!!! :flowerforyou:
  • The biggest thing is making the lifestyle change to support what your body needs now that you have thyroid disease..and the hardest part of that is giving up food you shouldn't eat anymore. That can be very individual for folks - but a huge commonality for the majority of us is gluten. Some people also have to ditch dairy…
  • Well hello Jenn! welcome to our group! :) I have to admit, I know nothing about fertility and female sex hormones and trying to get pregnant. SO I wont even pretend to know lol. As for your thyroid hormones, in my opinion (which doesn't mean much), your TSH could come down a bit and your T4 need to come up some. Most…
  • It's not unheard of for folks to suffer for yeeaaarrssssss before getting a proper diagnosis.simply because Dr's like to think they know everything and refuse to run the one simple test we need to know. I don't understand why they act that way, it's not like they pay for the test!!! >_< Good to hear you are doing well so…
  • Hello Susan! thank you so much for the kind words and for joining :) I'm so glad you're here.
  • Food sensitivity and intolerance isn't unheard of in us Hashi folks. I'm actually going to get the MRT (Mediator Relsease Test) this month to see what I react to at the recommendation of my Crossfit coach. The test uses your blood to see how it reacts to 100+ different foods and chemicals, I think it's close to 190…
  • I'm sorry I didn't see this until now!! I would say maybe try WP Thyroid or Nature Throid over Armour. They did something to change their formulation and it isn't as effective anymore. I personally LOVE Nature Throid. I don't have lupus or RA, but I do have suspected Celiac (stupid gastro refused to biopsy me to confirm…
  • Well I'm glad you found this group :) We all have something in common here. Finding an ideal meds dose is a PITA and I know I'm constantly dealing with it myself. I don't believe I have insulin resistance, don't really know how to go about finding out. I do know I lose easier and feel incredible when keeping carbs lower.…
  • I started with just the bar as well when learning form. I didn't prop it up on anything, just grabbed the bar then set up to do the just won't set it back on the ground between reps. Make sure after you grab the bar (since you're picking it up off the ground), you pull your shoulder blades together and down and…
  • Right, because crossfitters are the only people that can have bad form. Obviously.
  • It sounds to me that there might be a food intolerance at play making your AI flare up. Have you ever considered getting a test done to see what foods you are allergic to and/or have an intolerance to that your body attacks? It was recommended to my by my Crossfit coach to get this done since I have AI so he can help me…
  • haha yea. I'm sure there could be a benefit for a new type of professional to help people organize supplements for hashi patients :) Just be careful - there are tons of Hashi folks that think they need to take every supplement under the sun to feel well, and that simply is not the case. One of the things I don't like about…